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{valerie's pov}

'Soo did you miss me?..'

'i did dami.. i mean i kept looking at the time on my phone.. wishing it would go a little faster..'


'you can put me down now..'

'no..not yet.. babe..'


'Noo.. i haven't kissed you yet..'


I say while looking into his beautiful eyes.. he's so cutee.. i am so in love with him... wait??... am i ??... maybe i'm rushing into things... ughh.. he's sooo beautifulll... omg... he's leaning into kiss me..

'you are so beautiful.. you know that right..'

'damiano i-'

and before i could finish ny sentence he was kissing me.. i coule feel his hands going lower to my hips while he was leading me to the couch... while he slowly puts me down.. on it..


'Babe what's wrong..?...'


I say while we both pulled back out of the kiss

'babe you can tell me...i can see from the look in you're eyes that there is something...'

'No there isn't...dami it's o-'

'Babe.. tell me..'

* He says while he looks a bit worried *

'It's just that.. i mean i know we already kind of slept together but.. i don't want to like uhm.. rush into the uhm second time... i'm sorry.. you must think i am a little girl...'

'babe don't say that.. you're not a little girl.. hey look at me.. babe.. we are not going to do things if you don't feel ok.. to do it.. you hear me?..  valerie i really like you.. i don't want you to think that i am a player or someone who's just looking for a hook up.. because i am nothing like that..'

*He says while we get up and he sits next to me on the couch*

'i know.. i mean it's just that my ex always told me that i was a little girl when i didn't wanted to you know..do things...'

'... forget about you're ex... he sounds like a d*ck valerlie i am crazy about you.. i never felt like this before....'


'yeah..  i really like you.. i mean uhm.. i am in love with you..'

'And i am in love with you dami..'

'Valerlie do you wanna be my girl?..'

'i tought you never asked..  dami.. i love y-'

Ohh no.... Did i just... oh my goddd....

*to be contiued*


Enjoy!! See you next timee😘😘😘

another love💔❤️{damiano david}Where stories live. Discover now