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{valerie's pov}

Oh my god... my head jesusss why is the whole room spinning...and why does it feels like i'm not  wearing any clothes oh no.... ! ok val stay calm maybe it isn't that bad...

'goodmoring.. beautiful..'

'Oh my gosh please don't talk so loud pleasee..'


'stop calling me beautiful damiano what the hell happend last night and were the hell am i?!'

'you're in my bed babe..'

'thanks for sharing... but that wasn't my question..'


'damiano please don't tell  me we hooked up...'

'uhn well...'

'ooo noo....'

'babe chill... it's not that bad..'

'Ooo it is bad... i just got my heart broken! a-'

'so you think it's bad  just because you got you're heart broken?'


'oh come on babe.. i didn't hear you complain last night..'

'What do you mean by that?!'

{flashback to yesterday}

'damianO.. i am DrUnk.....'

'sO??? I am i... i mean..'

'BUt we JUst... got BaCK from our fiRst datE..'

'BUt I LIkE yoU... you're HOt...'

'yOU think i'm HoT???'

'YEs... i dO...'

'oH.. FcK.. iT..'

{end of the flash back}

'that's not funny! Damiano i barely know you!'

' so? You can get to know me babe i mean i really like you..'

'y-you do??..'

'yes.. i do babe'

Our heads are so close right now.. we can hear eachother breathing... my god he's handsome... he looks way better then dean.. and his eyes are so dreamy and beautiful... it feels like i'm drowing into them...


'damiano...  i don't think we should do this..'

'you think??...'

'Uhhh yeah i do... i mea-'

And before i could finsh my sentence he already leaned in to kiss me..

*to be contiued*


Enjoy! See youu!♥️next time


another love💔❤️{damiano david}Where stories live. Discover now