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{valerie's point of view} *10am*

i just woke up and i still don't feel well.. and i threw up again.. ughh i hate it when i don't feel good.. dani thinks i am pregant again.. but i don't think that's it i mean i don't wanna admit it..because angel is still so little and.. oh my god not again... great.. i threw up again...swear i feel so horrible...



I say while i flush  the toilet again...

'No... i am not.. i can't keep anything down.. not even coffee... or breakfast...'

'babe i think you should take a test... i mean your late again.. you feel sick.. and i am starting to worry so..'

'ok..ok.. finee..i will buy one...later...today'

'Good.. because i am really worried about my beautiful girl..'

'I know...i know..'


*later that day* *damiano isn't home* *2pm*

{valerlie's pov}

Ok so i just bought a pregancy test while my little girl was with me..in the stroler...  and luckily she fell asleep alomg the way home so now i just puted her into her little crib.. 

'Sleep well angel.. i love you..'

I whisper while i give her a small kiss on her forheard she's so cute..  ok... now let's walk away very qiuet before she wakes up...

*a couple of minutes later*

Ok... just did the pregancy test and dami isn't home because he's out with vic thomas and ethan... soo i am alone.. now and still waiting for the result to come.. ughhh i can't take this anymore i am soo nervouss.... Ok... ok... time's over... ok... let's just turn it around...  an-...

Oh my god...... oh my god...! I am pregant!.... Ok how i am i going to tell this to dami? I mean i don't even know if he wants another baby... we just haven't talked about it at all...  oh fck what if he.. doesn't..no ofcourse he would love it valerlie stop thinkkng about that stupid sh!t...ughhhh... maybe i should call him???... no no..  that's not a good idea... but i don't have another choice i guess... ma-...ohh he's calling me...

'hey love..'

'hi beauty.. i am on my way home now.. are you feeling any better ?'

'yeah..i do feel a little better...'

'That's good...  now did you buy the test already??..'

'Yeah i did..'


'i will tell you when you're at home ok?..'

'ok beauty... '

'See you in a bit.. i love you..'

'loveyou to...'


{damiano's point view} *the middle of the night*

it's the middle of the night and i can't sleep.. cause valerie and i got into fight.... Again about the fact she thinks i don't want another baby and later on she told me she wasn't pregant.. i mean... it's so stupid to fight over something like that...  and ofcourse i would love to have another little one especially with her but i guess i was wrong... about it all... wait why is the light still on in the bathroom?? Maybe val forgot to turn it off??? Let's go look..since i can't sleep...

Oh she just forgot to turn the ligh-... wait is that??? A pregancy test??? What the-...

'Dami?? Why are you up??..'

And i as i turn around i look straight into valerie's hazel green eyes

'Babe what is this???..'

'Uhmm.. that's uhm.. nothing why??..'

'Don't lie to me babe... now...'

'I...uh... i don't...  know...'

'What do you mean you don't know??? Babe you just lied to me ! You are pergant!...'

'i am s-sorry....'

'i've had enough...of this bullshit.. i am going to sleep on the couch...'

~to be contiued~


Enjoy! See you next time!😘😘😘

another love💔❤️{damiano david}Where stories live. Discover now