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'Are you sure you wanna do this val?..'

Thom whispers in my ear while he kisses my neck.. while i am completly naked...

'y-yes.. i am sure thomas...'

'ok... you're very beautiful by the way val..'

*he whispers again*


God i shouldn't be doing this...thomas his sams boyfriend not mine i mean i can't believe sam talked ne into this.. it feel so wrong and weird at the same time like if you wanna do a three some the third person has to be a stranger.. not someone you know... ugh...i need to stop thinking...about this...and i need to tell dami this...i can't lie to him...

{end of the flashback}

{damiano's pov}

I just came home and as i walk in i find valerlie sitting on the couch putting on her clothes while i don't see anyone else in the room.....

'Hey babe...'

'Oh hi..'

'Why did just put you're clothes back on???..'

'uhhh...i uhh spilled something...'

'I don't see a stain...babe..???'

'Dami..how uhm did you say hi to you're mom like i told you to??..'

'babe what happend while i was gone you're acting all weird..baby.. is everything all right?..'

'Y-yeah why???..'

'because it looks like you just shared the bed with someone....'

'What??? No why would i do that??.. i am with you dami..'

'babe come on tell me what happend while i was gone...'

'nothing...could we please talk about something else..'

'babe i am just worried about you...ok? You'rem y girlfriend i can see when there is something wrong with my beautiul girl...'

'D-dami there is nothing i pr-promise you...'

'you want me to believe that???...babe come on what happend...and be honest with me now...'

'Ok...sam was here with thom and....'

'And what???'


'Oh come on val you can kiss him if you want...'

'Bu-t...he's you're boyfriend..'

'So?? You wanted to do this right?'


'then you can kiss him sis i don't mind it... i bet it looks hot..'


'What????do you want me to go first then??..'


'Well ok then..'

*and sam starts kissing thomas while their hand all over eachother taking off their clothes piece by piece... while valerie is getting horny and looking at them full of lust...*

Gosh it looks so hot sam was right...omg... but i still can't so this...it feels like i am cheating...

{end of the flashback}

*back to damiano's pov*

'What????...you had a threesome with one my best friends?....babe!!'

'What????..sam talked me into this!'

**she shouts at damiano who's clearly getting mad**

'she talked you into this?!.. really???val!'

'yeah! She did!! And what was i supposed to do?!! She talked me into it! By kissing thomas right in front of me.. pushing me to do the same!....'

'I-i can't believe you actually did this... i mean did you fck him?!!'


'Did you fck him?!!!!and be honest!'

'N-no!  I didn't!....  I couldn't do it! Ok! I only kissed him...and...'

'And what??????'

'I j*rked him off.....i am soo sorry....'

'I can't believe you fcking did that!!..fck!!!..'

'Da-dami you-...your scareing  me.......'

**and he starting realise what he just done.. and he takes her into his arms while he's crying...and hugging her tight... and they keep standing like this in the living room for a little while.. and later on their upstairs laying next to eachoter in bed**

'beautiful...please talk to me...i am so sorry i yelled at you...'

'it's ok dami... can we just go to sleep...'

'sure my love...come here..'

**and he takes her into his arms and after a while they fall asleep**


Enjoy!! See you next time!💛💛💛

another love💔❤️{damiano david}Where stories live. Discover now