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{valerie's point of view} *their at vic's house*

'But you have to tell him!!'

'Shh vic don't talk so loud!..'

'he can't hear us.. he's outside..'

'I know i kno-..oh hi love..'

'Valerlie wants to tell you something..'


*and she leaves*

'Love can we talk..??...'

'Sure babe... what is that you wanna tell me??..'

'just promise me you won't get mad...'

'i won't babe.. i promise..'

'O-ok... uhm... i-i uhm... remember that one night.. we uhm....'

'yeah? I remember..?'

'uhmm... i uhm... that mor-morning.. i-...'

And there are the tears...greatt...

'Hey what's wrong babe?..come here...'

*he says while takes her into his arms*

'babe why are you.. crying..? I am starting to get worried... now..could you please tell me what's wrong..'

'D-dami.. i-i am preg-pregant....'

'wha-what??... you are.. when..did y-how long do you know this??...'

'Since y-yesterday...'

'babe.. why didn't you tell m-me??...'

'because i was scared... i mean we just got together... a-and.. i just didn't know what to do...i was freaking out...'

'babe.. i-i need to... i..can't.. i mean... i can't d-fck!!!...'

*he says while lets me go out of his arms*

'd-dami..you're scareing me...'

'babe.. i ca-.. i mean i-i ca-can't.... do this right now... i am sorry but...it's just. I can't.....'

'd-damiano... please......'

'Valerie i think it-it's better if we...b-break u-up...'

'N-no!...please dami.. don't do this...please i-i love you...'

**i say while i cry even harder then i already did**

'i am sorry....valerie.. but you have to understand... tha-'

'Oo i understand.. d-dami... i really do...'

'i am sorry.....'

'i know enough.... damiano.. goodbye..'

*and she takes her stuff and walks out and the door is slammed*


**the next day**

{valerlie's pov}

it's the next day after that me and damiano broke up.. i feel so horrible... i didn't sleep last night the only thing i did was crying..and crying... and some more crying.. i just can't believe he broke up with me... it felt like my heart crushed in so many little pieces..... i tought he loved me.. he was so sweet to me all this time and now.. this.. i just can't believe it... i miss him already so much...

'Goodmorning... val did you sleep well?..'

'no.. i didn't.. i couldn't sleep..'

'ooo.. well do you want me to make you some breakfast.. ba-..valerlie..'

'yeah i would love that ethan..thanks for letting me stay here by the way...'

'Uh oo yeah no problem..'

**he says while they walk down stairs**

'so uhm.. how are you feeling..?'

'Tired..and sick.. crushed..'

'Awww ba-valerlie.. you know i think it's a bit stupid that he broke up with you i mean..uhm.. i wouldn't do that to someone..'

'thanks ethan..means alot...'


'yeah...i mean you were here for me last night...ethan.. that was really uhm sweet of you...'

'o-ok.. uhm... yeah uhm.. no problem...'

Oh my gosh he's so cute.. wait val you just broke up with his best friend.. you can't just... you know...

'Ethan.. are you blushing...??? Right now'



'it's just that..you're uhmm really uhm.. pretty... and i think y-you uhm.. deserve someone who's uhm.. there for you...'

'ethan..that's so sweet...i-...'

*and before i could finsh my setence he was kissing me*

'ooooh... my god i am so sorry...'

*to be contiued*


Enjoy!! See you next time😘😘😘



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