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{valerlie's point of view}

thomas and i just wacthted something on tv and as i walk away to go upstairs i can feel that thomas is staring at me..  and as i turn around i see the look on his face... oh no..



'Were you just staring at me..??'

'No i wasn't why??'

'uhm ok.. i am going to bed now..'


'thomas.. i am tired...'

'ok maybe i was uhm starting at you before but... i keep thinking about what we did when i was still with sam and you know the threesome's...'

'yeah i know what you're talking about thomas.. but what does that have to do with this???'

'Valerlie i think your really pretty...'

'uhmm.. thom you know were just friends right??.. i mean you know i miss damiano...'

'yeah uhm i know that..sorry..'

'it's ok.. but i am really tired now so...'

And as i am about to walk upstairs he walks up to me pulls me closer and leaning in to kiss me.. what the f* just happend???...


I say while pulling back out of the kiss and looking at him all confused

'Sorry...sorry..sorry... i don't know what i did..'

{end of the flashback}

{back to the present}

{thomas his point of view}

Why isn't she texting me back??? I tought there was a moment the night we kissed.. guess i was wrong.. ugh i miss her.. maybe i should try and call her again..?? No that would be stupid.. or maybe i could go to her house???..wait she lives with damiano that's not a great idea... fck... I miss her....so much.. wait i could text  vic maybe she heard something from valerlie

'Vic did you hear anything from val??'

'No? I didn't why???'



'Ok... maybe i texted her again..'

'You know you can just do that!'

'I know i know...'

'thomas you should forget her..she's with damiano..'

'I know...i knowww!!...'



{valerie's point of view} *12pm*

I just woke up from a nap because i wasn't feeling well this morning and i am still not feeling good right now.. maybe i ate something bad.. i did trew up this morning so that could be it..?? Ughhh... i hate it when i am sick... anyways let's walk over to the living room...

'hey baby.. are you feeling any better???'

'No.. i feel afwull.. i can't keep my food down.. i am tired.. And i just want to lay in bed again...'

'aww babe.. i hate seeing you like this...'

'dami i will be fine.. i mean i am just a little sick..'

'I know but i hate it..when someone i love isn't feeling well..'

'aww damii...'

I say while walking up to him and hugging him

'Uhmm.. can i ask you something babe..'


'When was the uhm last time you had your period?'

'Dami! That's private!..'


'Ok..it was..a couple of days back i think why??'

'If it was a couple of days back then maybe... your pregant...'

'Wha-...well maybe i mean i am not sure...'

'Uhm i think you should take a test beauty.. just ti be sure..'


~to be coniued~


Enjoy, see you next time ! ❤️❤️❤️

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