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*back to yesterday*

{valerie's pov}

'Look dami... there is something i need to uhm tell you..'

'what is it??...'

'well... i uhm... i am pregant...'

'what??? But...babe i tought... wait? we were safe last time... h-how did that even happen?!'

'dami..you..i mean.. please don't be mad at me for what i am about to say...'

'uhm..what exactly??'

'It's uhm.... it's not y-yours.....'


'D-dami...please... i-i.. i am so up-...i can't....'

**and she starts to cry really hard**

'is it thomas his baby?!!!!'


'Is it?!!!!!'

*silence again*

'Y-yeah....it's his...'

'I knew it!!!... did you fuck him again??! Are you still seeing him?!!!'

'no! Ofcourse not!...bu-...'

'Look valerie.. either you tell him... or i am gonna tell him! Your choice! I am done!...'

*and the front door is slammed*

'Well..uhm..that was uhm...'

'Ethan! Please shut up!!'


*back to the present*

{valerlie's pov} *12pm*

It's one of those times again were me and damiano are fighthing...again.. because i am pregant with thomas his baby..and he's making me choose between telling thomas he's going to be a dad or... he's going to tell thomas.... And i don't want that either... but i also don't wanna choose.... ughh!!.. i hate it when we fight....

'dami..please love talk to me...i said i am fcking sorry a hundred  times now... pleasee.. i love you...'

'You promised me valerlie...you looked me in the eye and you made a promise and didn't keep it!!!'

'i knoww!!! I still feel so bad about but you don't care!...'

'i do!! But... you fcked him!!! My best friend!!!'

'I knowww!!! Ughhh... i ca-...i can't breathe... i ca-...dami... please don't be mad at me..i will te-..tell him...o-okay???....gosh i can-...damia-....'

*and then everything turns black*

{damiano's pov}

'Val i swear if you play th-...baby!!!!!.'

*and catches her in his arms while her eyes are closed*

'Baby...can you hear me?...baby...???please..i love so much...i am so sorry..about everything..it's all my fucking fault... i did all of this... i made you choose.. i got mad at you...for sleeping with thomas instead of thinking about you..and the baby..... i-i am so sorry....'

**he says while the tears are streaming down his face**


*valerlie says while opening her eyes*

'Oh my god your okay....!'

'I-i had another panic attack....why are you crying??...'

'I am sorry i made you choose....babe.... I don't c-care this baby isn't mine... i really don't care anymore....'

**and she says nothing back to him she just hugs him real tight**

~to be contiued~


(A/N  also sorry if i use the same words all the time i am dutch sooo my english isn't that very good ish sooo yeah)

And tomorrow i will post the last chapter of this story.. :(( yeah i know sadd :(( but! There will be a part two very sooon sooo i will see y'all y next time byee😘✌🏻💋

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