24{back together}❤️

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On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up, up
And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight
But my hand's been broken one too many times
So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude
Words, they always win, but I know I'll lose


{thomas his point of view}

It's  the next day after valerlie had a break down it was so sad.. i hurted me so bad.. i couldn't see her like that it even made cry.. so now vic has come over and i've told her about yesterday.. so now she came up with a sort of plan to bring those two love birds back together i don't say love birds loll it's sounds so fcking childish..wait i am a child sometimes i mean i act like one oopiesss hehe lolll

'Oh hey val.. are you ok??'

'hi thom.. hi vic yeah i am great... were is the ice cream???'

'valerlie have you called him yet??'

'that wasn't my question...but no.. well i tired but he didn't pick up..'

'You should try again'

*vic says to her while sitting next to me on the couch*

'vic i said i tried... he doesn't love me anymore... i screwed up..'

'oh come on val just try it one more time..i know you love him..and he loves you so much... please try it again i can't see you like this anymore you're my friend and i am worried about my bestie right now..'

'Ok...ok.. i will try again...'

**and she leaves**

{valerlie's point of view}

I can'tt believe vic is making me do this... ughh i told her i never wanted to talk to him again.. i mean he broke up with me because ethan kissed me?!... and i am supposed to take all the fcking blame????? i mean it's stupiddd...ughh ok let's..let's...ugh try again...


*a very said vocie says..*

'da-dami..... i-i miss youu....'

i say while i break down in tears.. god i've missed his voice... i miss him so much... i can't take this anymore...i need him....in my life...

'valerlie...i miss you to... i really miss you babe...'

*he says while he cries too*

'why didn't you pick up the first hondred times i called you??...'

'i was just...so i couldn't...hear your voice...valerlie.. i just.. miss you s-so much...babe please... i am so sorry i blamed you for kissing edgar....i am soo sorry..babe..'


**i say while i wipe my tears away with me thumb**


'Can we meet up...tonight?..to talk...'

'ofcourse babe... and yeah we should.. really talk... babe..'

'yeah... dami i've missed you...'

'And i've missed you babe.. you have no idea how much..'

'yeah you said that three times..now..'

'i just wanted to say it again because i mean it...valerlie i can't live without you... i love you so much... when i broke up with you that night it felt like me whole world fell apart... babe... and it really fcking hurted me... i really need you by my side beauty... i wanna be with you forever babe i mean it...i would love to grow old with you...babe..i never  been so serious in my life... before valerie...'

And when she heard those words she knew he was the only one who could make her the happiest girl in the world.... 

'D-dami.. that's the most sweetest thing someone ever said to me...'


Enjoy!! See you next time!🩷🩷🩷


I also wanted to say thank you again for everything, and i don't know wich one of you read my stories but i am thankfull for every single one of you , because without you guys i wouldn't write stories.❤️

I love you all.😘😘😘

another love💔❤️{damiano david}Where stories live. Discover now