18 1 0

'Omg.. i am so sorry..'


{ethan's pov} *10am* *in the morning* *their at his house*

i just woke up next to valerlie.. she's so cute when she sleeps.. oo and yesterday after i kissed her we talked and well let's uhm just say we're going to take it slow because uhm you know she just broke up with damiano and i get that it's still a bit uhm fast for to be with someone else now.. so yeah.. anyways maybe i should get out of bed before valerie wakes up a-.....

'goodmorning edgar..'

'hi goodmorning.. did you sleep well?..'

'yeah i did actually.. cause you were next to me.. ethan..'

'Oo.. uhm ok.. uhhmm....'

'Edgar don't be shy...now how about uhm...'

*she says while she's coming closer to me..*

'valerie..i uhm don't thin-..'


*and she kisses him softly..*

'wha-what??...why did you?....'

**he says while she pulls back**

'because i like you edgar.. you're very handsome..'

'U-uhmm.. th-thanks..'

'Now look who's blushing again hehehe'

'That's not funny!.....'

'Hehehehe it is for me...'


**later that day** *12pm*

{valerlie's pov}

'I really liked this movie..what should we watch next?'

I say while i lay on ethans chest.. we just watched a movie and we just cuddled the whole time he's so sweet to me.. but i do miss dami even tough we broke up.. and we didn't talk to eachother right after.. i just miss him.. but on the other hand i think it's for the best.. that we broke up because if i would still be with him right now.. he wouldn't like the fact that i'm pregant so..yeah....

'Maybe we could..uhm..do something else..beau-valerlie..'

'edgar..you can call me beautiful.. if you want.. i mean i don't mind it..'

'i know.. but.. it's just that you said you wanted to uhm take it slow..'

'edgar there is nothing wrong with calling me beautiful..i like it..'

'Ooo.. uhmm ok...'

'Aww you blushed again awww..'

'No! I didn't stop that!..'


'You're so mean.....'

'Hahaha no i'm not i'm right...'

'that's not truee....now stop laughing...'

'sorryy...sooo how about uhm...'


*and she smirks a little and she starts kissing him*


*tooo be contiued*


enjoy! See you next time!😘😘



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