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{damiano's pov} *back to yesterday*

'Babe are you okay?? You seem upset..'

'huh?? Oo did you say something??..'

'Uhh yeah i did.. uhm are you okay??'

'Yeah why wouldn't i be?..'

'Well maybe because your acting weird..and what's that on you neck?is that a hickey??..'

'What?? N-no..that's not.. a hickey.. i uhm...'

'Babe come on be honest with me... is it?'

'No..dami maybe you gave me that... i mean we uhm... you know..'

'babe i don't give you hickeys all the time..and you know it now tell me...are you cheating on me??..'

'what?! Ofcourse not dami... why would you think that??'

'maybe because you have been spending alot of time at thomas his house??'

'You think me and him?? Really?!!'

'well...i mean it could be..'

'dami i promise you there is no one else...only y-...'

*message from thomas raggi*

'Val.. i really..uhm enjoyed uhm today... i hope you did to.. uhm.. i hope we uhm can go out sometime soon.. just the two of us you know ;) ly.X'

'Why did thomas just say he really enjoyed today????'

'D-dami it's... he's just uhmm talking about that..uhm when we...uhhh..'

'I think i know enough..just tell me one thing...okay and be fucking honest...'


'Did you or did you not.. fuck him???'

'I-..i uhm...'

'Did you fuck him?!!or not be honest!...'

*damiano says with tears in his eyes while looking at her*

'it..i-it..was a huge mistake i don't know what happend he just..stood there..and..i couldn't..stop it...i am so sorry..dami..i felt so di-... after.. i did..it.. i m-... i am sorryy......'

'i know enough... you can leave tomorrow and take all your shit with you!! I never wanna see you again! And we're getting a divorce!!'

'pl-please..love it was a huge mistake..i-...fuck!!i can't breat-breathe...i can-...i can't breathe..dami..please get me some wa-...'

'Spare me this bullshit valerlie am not falling again for those stupid pan-..babe!!!!!'

*and then she faints as damiano catches her into his arms*

*back to the present*

{damiano's pov}

It's the day after i found out my wife cheated on me..and it feels like i have been played.. by someone i really loved..well i still do.. but... it hurts.. it really fcking hurts... i love her so much..and then she does this....



'did you sleep well?....'

'No..because you broke my heart and then you scared the shit out of me! so no! I didn't sleep well..'

'damiano.. how many times do i have to tell you that what happend between me and thomas..was a huge mistake... he just came up to me..and i told him we couldn't do it....and when i came back after i layed angel down for her nap.. he came up to me again.. and kissed me... he told me he couldn't stop him self..'

'Wait?... you told him you couldn't do it??..'

'Ofcourse i did...  i love you so much.... I just don't know what came over me.. he just swept me away... with his look..and his eyes..'

'His d!ck..'


'What???it's true!'

'Wha-..no! It's not!....'

'okay... i will forgive you... but only if you never going to see him again...'

'Dami... i-....'

***to be contiued***


Enjoy! See y'all next time!😘✌🏻💋

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