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*the next day* *10am*

{valerie's point of view}

i just woke up next to dami.. after our amazing night.. hihi he was so sweet.. i reall lo-like him.. so much he makes so much happier then dean.. ugh i need get over that.. now i've got a new boyfriend.. a-...

'goodmorning beautiful..'

'hi oh did i wake you?...'

'no you didn't amore.. did you sleep well ?'

'yeah.. i mean i was next to you so..'

'awww.. come here..babe..'

*he says while he takes me into his arms*

'you're so sweet to me.. dami.. you make me feel so much happier..'

'Aww babe.. you make me happy to.. but..'

'but what??..'

'babe about what we said to eachother..'

'Yes what about it???'

'Nothing.. it was amazing babe..'


'You're so beautiful you know that right?..'

'yeah.. how manyt times are you going to tell me this??'

'uhm i don't know?.. untill you get sick of it..'

'Ahaha.. you're so funny..'

'i am.. ehehee.'


{flash back to yesterday night} *little smut*

'O-oh my gosh..d-dami.. i-oh fck...'

'You're s-so hot babe...'

'da-dami am getting clo-...'

'me t-to babe..'

'F**ck that feels so good do-don't sto-stop... pl-i...'


*you know what happens now*

'Oh my gosh....tha-that was amazing..'

'it was babe.. i love you..'

'i love you..'

{end of the flashback}


'hi beauty..'

**he says while i look into his eyes**

'I am going to miss you..'

*i say while we kiss again*

'Me to..beauty.. but maybe we could go out tomorrow?.. '

'Yeah i would love that.. dami..'

*time skip* *she's back at the hotel*

{valerie's pov}

i just got back at the hotel and is taking a shower and i am on my phone texting with damiano.. hihi he has been so good to me.. i mean our date yesterday it was so amazing.. he made dinner and we talked alot.. and well the rest you already kind of know.. hihi .. i am so happy .. i mean  he makes me so happy... i never felt like this before ever.. not even with dean... i mean damiano is so much sweeter.. and nicer..and hotter.. hehe do i need to go on??..

D.; 'i already  miss you babe.. i am still thinking about last night...'

V; 'i miss you.. to love..and same..hihi..'

D; 'really??...'

V; 'yeah.. i mean you were so sweet to me dami..'

D;'aw.. but uhm.. about wich part of the night were you thinking about then..?'

V;'what???... y-you mean.. specifically??..'

D;'yeah.. i mean you can tell me.. beauty..'

V;'dami.. i do-don't know... i don't have a specific moment...'

D;'well i have one... i mean only if you wanna know.. beauty..'

V;'y-yeah sure.. i mean..y-..you can tell me..'

D;'beauty you know i am just teasing you a little right?.. i loved every part of our amazing night..'



V;'uhm i have to uhm go.. sam just came into the room.. she's already dressed up.. because we're going out for dinner later on.. tonight.. and i need to get ready..'

D;'sure babe.. love you..'

V;'love you to..dami..'


Enjoy!! See you next time🩷

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