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*disclaimer this chapter contains a little bit of  smut* *if you don't want to read this just go check out the other chapters :) * *this chapter based on a true story the rest of it is made up*


{valerie's point of view}

It's the next day after our beautiful daughter was born and i just woke up next to damiano he's so cute when he sleeps... i can'ttt... ok now let's get out of bed befor-...'

'goodmorning.. babe..'

*he says with sexy morning voice*

'hi..love did you sleep well?..'

'yeah i did.. you?..'

'i slept great.. and angel only woke up once..'

'yeah.. but uhm.. babe'


'i have to go back to rome soon.. and i know sam and thomas are going today so i was thinking maybe we could go with them??..'

'to rome??... dami our daughter was just born yesterday..we can't go on a plane right now..'

'baby..we can.. go..'

'But what if something happens...dami... i mean she's our daughter..we have to take care of her..'

'baby... nothing is going to happen..hey look at me.. beauty.. i get that you're worried about angel.. but i a sure you nothing is going to happen ok?.. beauty..'


*time skip* *their back in rome* *their at damiano's house* *sam is better she just ate something bad the day before and she wasn't ln her period but...that i will tell you in the next chapter*

{valerlie's point of view}

The evening has fallen over rome and we just got back and i finally put angel to sleep..she was crying this whole time..my baby.. anyways now i just walked out of me and dami's bedroom were angel he crib is cause when we came home the crib was already there as a gift from his parents it was so sweet of them.. soo now i am walking down stairs to see what sam and thomas are doing because their staying here as well.. and oh damiano is staying at his parents tonight because he wanted to spend some time with them..

'Hey you guys..'

'O hii sis.. come sit..we uhm wanted to talk about something with you..'

'Uhh ok??'

*i say while sitting next to them on the couch*

'Well you know sis we have been friends for a very long time now right??'

'Yes i know that why do you ask?..'

I am not sure were this heading but i guess it's just sam being sweet to me..

'Well.. sis uhm me and thomas have been dating for a while now and we're trying to experiment.. with you.. know sex trying out different thing..stuff like that..'

'Sam why are you telling me all this???...'

'Well uhmm me and thom talked about it for a while now and we uhm.. i mean only if you want it..ofcourse.. because if you don't..then it's fine ofcourse but...'

'But what sammy????'

'would you like to hava a uhm...you know.. with us?... i mean we trust you..'

'What?...sammy but i am with someone...you know..'

'But damiano doesn't have to know it i mean it will be our little secret..sis just the three of us having fun you know..'

'Fun?you mean having sex?... but..what if he finds out??..'

'He won't sis trust me.. i mean if you wanna tell him you can tough..'

'I did rather not...'


'Well... i guess..uhm..ok.. just this once..but! Only one time ok?'

'Well ok... Now shall we began?...'

'What???now??? On the couch?! Sam!'

'what? Come on it will be fun..you know..'

'Well ok!.. but promise me this is one time only!'

'I promise you...'

*and as the three of them look at eachother thomas starts kissing sam first and then valerlie while their clothes coming off slowly ..untill their naked.. while thomas is kissing sam again while valerie is looking at them with lust in her eyes..*

~ to be contiued ~


Enjoy! See you next time!🩷🩷🩷

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