5{'does it count?'}

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{Valerie's pov}

i just got back at the hotel and sam already texted me cause she wanted to know everything ofcourse soo now i am finally in my hotel room when sam is running towards me

'Omg! Tell me everything!!how was it??? Did you really get that drunk????'

'Sam!oh my gosh ok first of all don't talk so loud please i have a head ace and second yes i got really drunk.. now sit..'

'Sorry sis but this is damiano david we're talking about..!'


'Don't sush me!'

'Go sit on the bed and i will tell you everything now could you please lower you're voice..?'

'Ok ok..sorry sis omg that must've been one hell of a night then..'


'Now look who's rasing her voice hehe'


'Hehehe sorryy.. ok now spillll'

'Ok.. well first we went out for dinner at a cute little restaurant.. and then we endend up drinking wine the whole evening and we became drunk.. and uhm... this morning i woke up in his bed...'

'What????! You had sex with him?!'


'What???? Did you???'


'Omg.. how was it?????'

'Samm!!! Oh my god that's private..!'

'Oh come onnn atleast tell me if he's a good kisser and are you guys together,together????'

'He is.. and uhm.. i mean does it count.. if we kissed three times... and he asked me on another date??..'

'ofcourse that counts dummy!!omg vall! I am so happy for you sis!'

*she says while she hugs me*

'Thankss sammy..'

'you deserve it sis after what dean did to you..'

'I know.. sammy..'


*a little while later*

{damiano's pov}

Ok..were is valerie .. i already teaxted her twice now and she didn't respond.. maybe her friend is taking her out or something and she forgot about me..no no.. that ca-..

V: 'omg! I am sooo sorry.. sam needed my help with uhm a girl problem.. and she's good now so i am on my way now.. i am soo sorryy.. dami..'

D: 'hii it's ok babe.. i can't wait to see you..'

V: 'aww..'

D: 'is it wierd if i told you that i've missed you a little..'

V: 'It's not weird.. i mean i've missed you to i will see you in a bit ok?'

D: 'ok babe.. <3'

*a couple of minutes later* *their at damiano's house*

{valerie's pov}

Finally i am here.. that bus ride took forveer.. bit i am here now.. ok.. let's text him again..

V: ' i am here.. dami.. could you let me in please it's a bit cold outisde..'

huh?? No respo-

'Hi babe..'

'Oh my god you scared me!'

I say while he stands right in front of me

'Haha sorry babe come on in..'

'Thanks.. i am sorry i am late..'

*i say while getting in and taking of my little summer jacket and he comes in to while closing the door*

'you already said twice now.. babe come her you..'

*and he takes me into his arms while he lifts me up and spins me around a little..*


'hi beautiful..'

*he says while he looks into my eyes with a big smile*

**to be contiued**


Enjoy!! See you next time🩷🩷🩷

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