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{thomas his point of view} 12pm

i just woke up from a nap and all of the sudden i hear the doorbell ring.. who could that be??... maybe it's val...??.. wait we did-...


I say while opening up the door , while  being completly  confused...

'hi did you miss me thom??.. cause i've miss you!..'

'Sam... why are you here? Val doesn't want to see you..and neither do i..'

'But... i've missed you thommy... i... came all the way here to tell you that... i want you back..'

'you want me back???...sam... i don't think that's a good idea...'

'why???? Are you seeing someone else???'

'No but... val hates you and she's my friend so...'

'But Thommy... i've missed you...'

'Sam please leave ok... we're done...talking..'


*and she slams the door right in front of her face*


{valerie's point of view}

'Aww look she smilled at you...'

'Aw yeah she did babe.. she has your cute smile..'

'Damii... stop it.. your making me shy..'

'that's the point... babe..'

'Ok.. let's get her to bed before she stays awake...'


**after they puted angel to bed**

'Ok.. i need to lay down...  right now i am so tired...'

'yeah orr we could uhm...'


I say while looking at dami all confused while laying down the couch and before i knew it he leans into kiss me.. god i've missed this.... I mean uhm since i am pregant.. again we didn't uhmm i mean we couldn't do much.. and also because i wasn'g feeling well most of the time.. but that's over..now and i am so glad because it drove me crazy...  being sick all the time.. ok i am blabing now... gosh i've missed this... 
His hands are all over my body now... i can feel every single touch.. it gives me shivers...


I say while pulling out of the kiss

'did i do something wrong babe?..are you not feeling well..?..'

He says with a worried voice

'N-no.. but.. uhm.. could you please take uhm off my shirt... i'm uhmm.. hot...'

'ofcourse babe..'

*he says with a big smirk on his face while taking my shirt off*

'You look so beautiful baby..'

*he whispers in hear ear while kissing her neck leaving hicky's all over*

'Hmm.. f-fck dami..that feels so g-good...'

**you know what happens next**


{sam's point of view}

I can't believe thomas rejected me.. i still love him so much..ughh i bet that bitch had something to do with it.. i mean he just said so.. that they were friends ughhhh... i need to get him.. and revenge on that bitch...


Enjoy! See you next time!😘😘💋💋💋

another love💔❤️{damiano david}Where stories live. Discover now