10{meeting his friends}p2.

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Soo little recap me and damiano talked yesterday about the beautiful day we had and now.. i am crying in my hotel room.. it's the last day here in rome and i'm crying.. because we got into a fight right after i asked him about the moving uhm thing.. so sam already packed her suit case and i haven't i just couldn't.. i never been this upset.. he hasn't called me or texted me.. at all and i just don't wanna leave before if got my awnsers... i just need it..

'val?? Sis come on now we have to go soon. And you haven't packed you're suit case yet..'

'sam.. i just can't do it.. i need awnsers...'

'sis please we already talked about this...'

'I know i am rushing into things but i really like him... sam.. i never ever felt like this before after dean broke my heart.. i-i tought i wouldn't find love...anymore.. and then... i met damiano...'

'you really like him don't you?sis'

'yeah.. i-i do...'

'well then i am gonna go the airport and you stay here..'

'Wha-what???...sam i can't..just...'

'yes you can sis.. i know you by now.. and if you really like him then..maybe you should call him..instead of waiting for him to do it..'

'but..what about thomas??'

'We're already talking uhm on instagram.. so now go call him.. before my cab is here..'



{damiano's pov}

i just can't believe this girl.. i should've seen this coming..  i mean moving in with me??? like we just got together.. and we just rushed things.. wich makes it even worse.. cause i really liked.. her.. fck!!!... i just let the most beautiful girl i've ever seen in my life go.....  wa-wait? She's calling me...




*silence again*

'Valerlie...?? Is this you???? Please say something..'

*silence again..*

'Babe please just say something.. please...'

*silence agian*

'Babe plea-..'

'damiano... i am sooo sorry.. i know we were rushing inti things but i am so in love with you..dami.. and being with you feels amazing... you make me so happy.. and just.. everything is more amazing with you... dami...  please forgive..me.. what i said to you was a mistake... a big mistake.... no.. a hu-..'

'Babe... you're doing it again..'

*he says while he smiles a little*

'do what???'

'you're talking too much... babe.. and i forgive you.. that fight was stupid..and i am in love with you to.. so much.. i can't explain how much but.. i am..'

'dami... i am still here sam already left because she knew i was upset..so..'


'So??? Can we just forget this stupid fight and meet up later??..'

'Yeah sure babe..ofcourse..'

'Ok.. i will see you tonight then?..'

'yeah i gotta go now.. talk tonight?'

'Ofcourse dami.. bye..'

'Bye beauty..'

*to be contiued*


{sam's pov}

Godd that flight was horrible but i am back in england baby yes iamm i miss val already but she's in love and my best friend so yeah..  and maybe i am in love to.. with thomas hihi we have been talking for two days now? I think and he's so funny and charming and cute ahh!!.. he has it all..  but i am glad to be home.. all tough valerlie told me something before i left.. and damiano doesn't even know it yet she only told me because she trusted me enough with it to not tell  anyone.. because valerie is... well this morning.. she found out that she's pregant...

And as i said no one knows it.. only i know it...


Enjoy!!! See you next time😘😘😘



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