26{'will you marry me?..'}❤️

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*time skip* *8pm*

{valerlie's point of view}

Me and dami just got home from our amazing date night.. and dami's parents are taking care of angel so we're sort of alone tonight..hihi

'oh my these heels...seriously i think my feet hurt...'

I say while walking into the house and taking my heels off.. and walking towards the living room and as i open up the door i see that there little candles on the floor in a shape of a heart... and that there is a little box right in the middle of it...

'Dami..what is all of this??...'

'baby... i know we just got back together but.. when i told you i wanted to grow old with you... i meant it... valerlie when i saw you that day at that restaurant.. everything just clicked... and i knew that you were the only one for me.. it felt so right at that moment and i knew you were going to be mine... but not just mine no.. i knew you were going to be mine forever baby.. val i wanna spend the rest of my life with you because you are beautiful..sweet.. caring.. the most perfect mom for our daughter.... So there is only one thing left to do... baby will you marry me?..'

*he says with tears in his eyes while going down on one knee and presenting her the ring*

'oh my gosh..dami...yes! Ofcourse i wanna marry you!!...'

*she says while the happy tears stream down her face.. and as she looks at him while putting the ring on her finger..she knows deep down that this is the right person for her*

'I love you so much babe...'

'I love you dami....'

*as they look in eacohters the eyes..she wipes her tears away and leans into kiss him.. while he lifts her up and leading her upstairs, the kiss gets heated as they arrive in the bedroom taking of eachothers clothes..*

'Oh my god.. you're so hot baby..'

'Hmm..kiss me....'

**you know what happens next**


{thomas his point of view}

'Vic were is she??..she was supposed to come here tonight...to finally talk..'

'thomas you know she loves damiano right?'

'ofcourse i know that but that kiss... i meant something to me... you know..'

'look thom i have to go i will see you tomorrow..and stop thinking about it... you know valerlie loves damiano...you can't just...'

'Break them up i know vic i know..'


Enjoy!!! See you next time!❤️❤️😉

I love you all🩷

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