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{thomas his point of view} *back to yesterday*

'Hey val thanks f-..'

'Yeah yeah.. i know thom.. now tell what's going on??'

'Uhmm.. s-sam came by today she w-wanted me back... i was so scared.. swear she had an evil look in her eyes..'

'What???? Sam was here???! I mea-oh my god.. she wanted you back!!'

'Yeah... but i told her no... val you know her better then i do.. i mean... i am never scared but this time...'

'thomas.. i have known that girl since kindergarden she just pretends to be a bitch it's just a mask to cover up her insucreties... you don't have to worry..'

'But.. she had a really evil look in her eyes..'

'Wait? Really...? evil?... ohh no... she's out on revenge..'


'Like i said she wants revenge... and she's not going to stop untill she gets it..'

'Ok?? What is that's supposed to mean??..'

'It's my fault... can we talk again tomorrow??..'

'Sure ba-valerlie..'

*back to the present*

{valerie's point of view}

'Ok i just layed angel down for a nap when she wakes up or cries call me and will be back ok??..'

'Babe i've got everything undercontrol.. but how are you feeling??..'

'Yeah i feel much better..now.. being sick all the time drove me crazy...'

'That's good beauty... but uhm.. why are you going to thomas again??..'

'I told you it's because of his crazy ex.. remember..?'

'Yeah i know but your spending some much time with him.. i mean.. do you have feelings for him??..'

'What? Dami! No! We're just good friends.. don't act so jealous..'

'i am not acting jealous.. i am just say-...'

'Look can we talk about this later?? I have to go...'

'Ok...ok.. bye...



*at thomas his house* *his point of view*

'Soo now tell me.. what did you mean yesterday when you said it's my fault..'

'Well... after we did the first threesome..'


'You looked so sexy when you came all over thom his d*ck'


'What??? It's true..'

'Sam!! Pleasee... we're friends..'

'So??? We're friends with a little benefits now..'

'What do you mean?...'

'Like i said..'

*and she comes closer to her and leaning into kiss her while thomas is upstairs taking a shower*

'Sam..What..are you doing??...'

'Let's have some fun... just us girls..'


'What? Don't you wanna know how it feels??..'

'Uhh... sam ? you know kissed a girl before right??..'

'Yeah i know that but If you did it before then why are you scared'

'sam...we're best friends...'

'So??? Friends can kiss eachother right? I mean it's not that weird..'

'Uhhh..... o-ok...'

{end of the flashback}

'wait so that's why she wants revenge??? Because you kissed eacohter..???'

'There is more...'

{flashback} *after they kissed*


'you're a great kisser val...'


'Valerlie.. i think i like you.. i mean we have been friends for a while now and.. i just.. wanted to tell you this.. becau-...'

'Sam... i am with damiano.. i mean you know i've been with a girl before i met dean.. but.. i don't have feelings for you...sam i am sorry..'

{end of the flashback}


'Yeah... so that's why she wants revenge om the both of us..'


Enjoy!! See you next time<3


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