20 1 0

'sorryy...sooo how about uhm...'


{valerlie's point of view}

'Uhhmm.. val i don't think uhm we should do this.. you wanted to take it slow right?..'

'yeah but that doesn't mean w-...'

*and ethans cuts her off*

'amore as i would love to uhmm make love right now.. caue i think that's what you uhm..'

'Yeah..i mean why not?..'

'uhmm.. wel you can't? You're pregant???'

'ethan i know that bu-..'

'But i think we should take things slow like you said amore..'

'Yeah you're right..'

'Ok good.. now uhm how about some breakfast?'



*a couple of hours later*

{ethan's pov}

i am at home while valerie is out with vic they were going shopping and i just did some things around the house that needed to be like done so now i am wating for valerlie to come home.. but she hasn't texted me yet so i am i bit worried.. maybe i should text her again..

'Amore are you on your way back yet???..'

'omgsh i am sooo sorry i lost uhm track of time i am on my way now love<3 bye!..'

Oh thank god she's on her way ba-...huh?? That was fast but why did she just ring the door bell???

'Amo-...damiano???what are you doing here???'

'ethan.. is valerie here??i need to talk to her'

'No she isn't..but she will be here soon'

'Ok..can you tell i stopped by??'

'Damiano you broke her heart..you crushed her..'

'I know i know.. but i realise that now.. and i wanted to make it up to her but..she has clearly moved on..'

*he says while he walks away*

Ok.. that was weird??? Oh uhmm well let's just wait for val to come home..

*after valerlie came home* *still ethans pov}

'But uhmm amore damiano came by today...'

'Wha-what?? Why???...'

'He wanted to talk to you...'

'o-oo... well i don't....'

'You say that now but you're eyes are saying something different.. valerie.. i can see it...'

'Ethan???were is this coming from????'

'Valerie be honest with me now.. do you wanna be with me or not???'

'Eth-ethan... i-...ofcourse i wanne be with you..silly.. look at me..'

*and she pulls him closer to her and lays her hands on his hips while he looks into her eyes , his heart beat is raising*


'ethan.. i really like you.. after damiano broke my heart i knew i couldn't be with him... i just knew it..and now i am so much happier then i was ever before.. i mean when i met dami ofcourse i was super happy but with you.. it feels so right...you're pure.. and just like me an introvert.. wich makes you even cuter...then you already are..'

'i-i-i don't know what to say..amore.. tha-that's....'

'Shh you don't have to say anything.. kiss me...'

*and as they look eachoter in the eyes he is leaning in to kiss her while she has the biggest smirk on her face*



*and they start kissing.. while her hands  are taking off his shirt..and trowig it on the floor , he lead her upstairs while their lips are still locked.. and then he lays her down slowly on his bed*

'y-you sure you wanna do this?..'

'Yes... i want to.. screw it with the going slow part.. i want you...'


'Shhh.. kiss me..ethan kiss me...'

**and the conitue to kiss**


{valerlie's pov}  **smut**

'O-oo... o-o.... Fck!..ethan that feels so good...'

I moan while he's on top me..gosh he's so sexy...

'A-amore... f* you're so wet and tight...'

'O-only for you my l-love.. o-ooo..mmm...eth-ethan..i a...am...'

'Me too amor-re...'

**he moans while their bodies are moving against eacohter and their getting closer to orgsm**

'Eth-...ann.. oooo.. f***'

'Vale...ooo m-my g.....god...'

**and they bot c*m**

'Oh my god...that was...'


*ethan says while he lays next to her in his bed pulling up the bed covers again*

'You're amazing ethan..'

'No you are valerie..you are..'


Enjoy!! See you next time😘😘

And oh i hope it wasn't too dirty😅 if it was i am sorry😅 i will write it diffrently next time😉😁

Ly y'all 💋💋💋




Happy pride month🏳️‍🌈❤️❤️

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