15{'i broke up with ethan'}

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'But.. i tought...'

'I am sorry but.. we can't be together....'

'valerlie please.. don't do this..i love you..'

'And i love you but we can't be together... i can't take this anymore i am so sorry..'

*she says while having tears in her eyes*

'please valerlie don't ruin this...'

'I'm s-sorry...but we just..can't be together...'


'it's f-for the best....'

{end of the flashback}

*back to the present*

{valerlie's point of view}

It's been what four days now since me and ethan broke up.. i just couldn't take it anymore... i missed damiano too much.. and i discoverd that the love that i have for him is still there.. but i just found out that he moved on and that broke my heart even more.. cause i really wanted him back.. and now it's too late... and oh i am back in london sam is dating thomas he arrived yesterday because he wanted to see sam and now they just came back from their date while i am crying in sams living room because i am staying here as well.. i mean sam made me but you know..

'hey sis are you ok?'

'Oo you guys are ba-back... i am sorry i am such a mess..'

'It's ok sis i will make you some tea ok?'

'Tha-thanks sam...'

*and she walks over to the kichten while thomas is sitting next to me on the couch*

'Valerlie i uhm talked to ethan today..'

'What???th-thomas why didn't you tell me???..'

'Because you're heart broken..and so is ethan..'

'Oh my god what have i done....'

'He told me he misses you...'

'And i miss him but i also miss damiano..but he moved on..wich makes it even worse....'

'i know.. but...'

'But what???'

'just call damiano...'


'Because you're going to give birth soon.. he needs to be there valerie..'

'Yes i agree with the blondie..'

*sam says while she walks into the living room with a big cup of tea*

'Thanks sis..'

*i say while taking the cup and taking a sip of my tea*

'yeah i think i should call him...'

'Then do it..we will go upstairs..ok?'

'Sure sis be safe'


'Hehehe sorryy..'

**and they go upstairs**

Ok.. let's call him...

*the converstastion between valerlie and damiano*



'Valerie??? Is this you???'

**silence again**

'valerlie say something..please...'

**slilence again**


'D-damiano... i just wanted to let you know that i am going to give birth soon.. to uhm a girl..'

'It's a girl??...'

'Yes it's a girl... i mi-....'

'I miss you..valerlie...'

'But i tought you....move-...'

'No.. well i tired to move on but.. i couldn't i just missed you...valerlie..'

'damiano... i broke up with ethan...'


'I did.. i couldn't take it aynmore..because i still had feelings for you..and i know you don't wanted me to be pregant...but...'

'Valerlie when i said those words to you i was so shocked..i couldn't realise.. it...but now.. i would love to have a little one with you..babe..'


'Yes.. i would love to...babe could you please come back to rome..'

'I could.. but.. i don't know..'

'just think abour ok?...'

'I will dami.. i have to go... uhm bye..'

'Bye beauty..'


*to be contiued*


Enjoy! See you next time😘😘😘

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