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'hii.. valerlie come on in..'

'thanks.. i've had the worst night yesterday..'

oo uh what happend??'

'we got into a stupid fight again... it's whatever..'

'val are you sure..??'

'I mean it's stupid.... I mean he said he's always stuck at home.. and... it's just so fcking stupid.... Ughh I don't wanna cry.... Crap my mascara...'

'Oo come here you... '

*he says while taking her into his arms and creasing her back to calm her down*

'i feel so guilty for just leaving the house without saying a word and taking the babies with me...'

'Shh you don't have to feel guilty about anything.. ba-uhh val.. it's gonna be ok..'

'But it's not even my fault.. he sai-..'

'I know you just told me... val..now how about i am going to take care of angel and luke... and you can take a nice warm shower.. and maybe.. we could watch a movie together later on?'

'Sure thomas...that would be lovely thank you...'

'You'rec welcome val.. even when you're crying your still so beautiful..'

'Uhm Thankss..thommy...'

{end of the flashback}

{back to the present}

{thomas his pov} *11 am*


'Hi..thom..thanks for letting me stay here..and o thanks for taking care of angel and luke.. it means alot..'

'Ofcourse everything for my best friend..'

'aww that's so sweet thommy... but did you sleep well??..'

'Yeah i did.. you??..'

'Yeah.. i mean you were next to me so...'

'What did you just say??'

'Uhh nothing... thomas i meant it as a friend.. you know that right?'

'yeah yeah...uh ofcourse....'

'okay.. uhm shall i make us some coffee... luke is still sleeping and angel is awake i just puted her down on her playmat.. she's  has grown so much...'

'aww yeah.. she looks just like you..'

'Yeah... uhmm how about that uh...thomas...'

**and he comes closer to her while he is looking straight into her eyes**


'thomas... i don't think this is a uhm good idea.. and angel is still...wait.. let me put her down... uhm...'

**she says while he is leaning trying to kiss her and before he can kiss her she moves away... and a couple of minutes after valerie puted  angel.. down in her crib  as she walks down stairs thomas walks up to her again..and leading her back into the kitchen.. and leaning in again...to kiss her*

'Valerlie really like you..i don't think i can resist you...baby girl.... I need you...'

**and before she can say anything back their lips are locked** and after a coulple of minutes their kiss gets heated..and his hand are everywere touching every single part of her body.. while  valerlie takes off his t-shirt.. and pushing  him agains the cold kitchen wall while he takes off her pj's and putting one hand  on her tighs  while he his  other hand is going into her panties,    he puts one f!nger inside her pussy*

'F-fck thomas...we sh-..ahh!..'

'Oeh i like that... baby girl...'

'Pl-please i want one more... ahh...pl-ahh..'

'you want one more..? I didn't hear you...baby girl..'


'good girl..'

**and he puts another f!inger inside her p*ssy** *and moving it in and you know what i mean*

~to be contiued~


Okay uhm valerie i just wanna say one thing: your fucking stupid! Cheating on dami like that?! When you just got married??? Really girl??? 🥲🥲 ok i'm done now....

*big sigh*

Okay uhm well enjoy! And see youu!!😘


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