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*the next day* *12pm*

{damiano's point of view}

fck.. it's been hours...and hours... i bet she's still at thoms house.. maybe i should text her again..

'babe please awnser me... why aren't you home??..'

'Omg! Dami i am so sorry! I fell asleep.. i am on my way now i am sooo sorry..

yeah i bet... i can't believe she didn't came home last night.. i was so worried...about her i texted her so many times and no response at all.. i mean.. i am still not sure about it  but i think she has feelings for thom... other wise she would've come home..

*a couple of hours later*

'There you are! Oh my god i was worried babe!'

'oh my..dami i am soo sorry.. swear i didn't mea-...'

'yeah spare me this bullshit do you have feelings for thomas??..'

'No! I told you!'

'Do you even wanna get married????'

'Ofcourse! Dami were is this coming from???'

'because your spending more time with him then you do with me! And we were supposed to get married next week! Do you even want that?!!'

'Damiano! Please! Stop it! Ofcourse i wanna marry you! I fcking love you! Don't you see that?!! I mean went to hell and back! When we broke up and thomas was there for me when we were fighting ! Now what else do you want me to say?!!!'

'are you fcking him????'

'What??? No!! Oh my god pleasee for f* sake!!damiano!...'

'and you want me to believe that???spare me that bullshit'

'Seriously???? You woke up our daughter you happy now?!oh my goddd...'

*and she walks upstairs to take care of angel momenst later when she comes down stairs damiano is outside smoking a sig..*

{valerie's point of view}

'dami.. this is stupid.. can we please stop fighting..'

*she says while walking outside*

'i don't know if... this...'

'What do you mean???..'

'i mean this.. us... we don't work.. valerlie..'

'dami we do work we just need to stop fighthing about things that are stupid..'

'i know...i know but... i don't know if we should get married.. when your having feelings for someone else..'

'No! How Many fcking times do i need to tell you that i don't have feelings for thomas!...'

'don't lie to me... sam told me everything about the threesome and that you told him you love him..'

'What?????did sam??..oh my god dami she's trying to get revenge... on me and thomas she's lying.. to get back at me because i didn't had feelings for... please dami i am not lying...i would never lie to you about something...'

*and as he turns around he looks straight into her eyes while puts out his sig in the ash tray*

'i know... i know... i am sorry... but did sam..is she???'

'Bi yeah i guess so...but i have been with a girl before so she knew that about me..'

'She knew that???'

'Yeah... but let's just uhm....'

*and she leans into kiss him and they kiss for a couple of minutes while he leads her inside while their lips are still locked*

~you know what happens next~


Enjoy! See youu <3

I love you all!❤️

another love💔❤️{damiano david}Where stories live. Discover now