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'Hey.. i am so sorry i couldn't make it in time to be here...'

'It's okay.. take a seat..'

'So how are you feeling?.. cause when you told me what happend i got a uhm bit worried..'

'i know.. but i am okay now.. the doctor says i can go home in a few days.. so..'

'And damiano??'

'He's at home taking care of angel his parents are helping him so he's not alone... and i am still stuck here...'

'Does he come visit you ofent??..'

'yeah he does.. he's the best.. you know..'

'I know..valerlie you seem so happy..'

'I am happy ethan... and how have you been??..'

'I've been good and thomas wanted to visit you as well..so...he's on his way...now'


'You don't uhm seem happy..valerlie what's wrong?..'

'nothing... i just... i can't tell you really.. ethan..'

'well okay...then..'

{end of the flashback}


*a few days later* *she's back home*

{Valerie's point of view}

It's a few days later and i am finally home it felt like forever but i'm happy..dami has been so good to me i couldn't ask for a better husband.. soo today i just puted angel down upstairs in her crib for a nap..and my little boy.. little luke.. is laying on my chest right now.. looking at me with his cute little eyes while i am sitting on the couch..waiting for dami to come home from band practice.... And it's been a couple hours so now i am starting to wonder were he is..

Damiano❤️;'babe i am soo sorry.. but i lost track of time i stayed at the studio to write.. i am sooo sorry i am on my way now! i love you!'

Ooo  thank god he's on his way.. i was worried for just  a sec..

*after damiano came home*

'Babe are they both a sleep??..'

'no angel just woke up i need to go upstairs.. could you make her bottle for me please?..'


'Dami you heard me...come on...'


'What???damiano what's wrong?? I just as-..'

'yeah i heard you.. i don't want to do it..okay? Do it yourself!'

'dami what has gotten into you these days?! i am your wife!for fck sake! just tell me things!'

'i am just... a little stressed.. okay? That's all... i can't focus on my writing anymore.. because i am always stuck here at home..'

'Wha...what???...... so your say-saying that your always st-stuck her??...now... damiano.... You ca-can't be serious right now...'

**she says while the tears a streaming down her face**

'oh my god babe... fck... that totally came out wrong..'

**damiano says when he's starting  realise what he just said to her*

'Babe please i am so sorry.. that totay came out wrong...i-i-... i am just so stressed lately i am soo sorry..valerlie please... listen to me...'

'Leave me alone...please...'

'Baby.... I am just so stressed these days i didn't mean to take it out on you...valerlie come on.. don'g be so stubborn right now...'

'dami... i think it's better if you sleep on the couch tonight... i am done talking now..'

*and she goes upstairs to check on angel and later on as she walks down stairs damiano is outside smoking a sig and when  he came back inside.. she completly ingnored her the whole evening  as it has fallen over rome*

~to be coniuted~


Enjoy! See youu 🩷🩷🩷

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