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{ethans point of view}

It is the night after me and valerie slept together... and i'm so happy... i can't believe she's mine now.. she's so beautiful.. kind.. sweet.. hot.. sexy.. cute.. eo i need to say more??.. hehe soo uhm now i am already down stairs making breakfast when i hear foot steps coming towards the kitchen..

'hi goodmoring..love..'

It's valerie.. her morning voice is so cutee..

'oh hey.. amore.. did you sleep well?'

'yeah i did..cause you were next to me.. love'

'Ooo..aww..that's sweet of you..'

'ethan..you're making me shy...'


'Haha never mind..come here..'

*and she comes closer to him and kisses him on his cheek*



*and he turns around and pulls her closer while his hand are going down to her hips..and sliding.. underneath her pj's'*


'Yes amore..'

'what are you doing??...'

'Nothing i just wanna enjoy this moment.. why?..amore'

'cause i can feel that you're very happy to see me..'

'o-oo.... Oh my god.. i am so sorry....i...'

'Ethan it's ok... i mean i could uhm..'

'N-no.. amore.. no-not here..'

'why not??...'

'a-are you serious right now??...'

Oh my god ofcourse she's serious.. my godd she's so sexy..fck.... I really want her right..now..but we can't just.. do it here i mean in the kitchen.. fck... i am so horny...

'ethan..don't be shy.. i am you're girlfriend..'

'u-uhhh... valerlie....i-i don't know if...uhh..'

'love can i?...'

'R-really???...valerie i do-..'

'love do you want me to do...you know..  i mean..'

'y-yes please...'

'i tought so..hehe..'

**she says while she has the biggest smirk on her face**


**a couple of minutes later** *smut*

{ethans point of view}

'oo-o... fck...that feels.. s-so g-good...amore..ah....'

*he moans while she is doing something down you know what i mean here*

'you like?...'

'Y-yes i do.. please do it again...it feels so fcking good...'

'Oeh you're beggin for it... mm..'

*and she starts with j*rking him off..*

'Oh-hh... ahh..fck amore tha..ahh...'

'open you're eyes love don't be shy..'

**and he moans again while looks at her** while doing you know**


*after she did you know*

{valerie's point of view}

I just came out of the bathroom to uhm wash my hands and all of the sudden i hear voices down stairs me and ethan just uhm...you know and after that we uhm... ok so now i am back down stairs and as i walk up to the kitchen i can see that someone else is there too.. oh.. NO.. damiano..

'What are you doing here????'

I say while entering the  kitchen

'Valerlie i wanna talk.. please..can w-..'

'No! Damiano as much as i wanted to be with you we can't be together!..there i've said it...'

'So you still wanna be with me???'

'No! I am in love with ethan...and he is in love wuth me to.. damiano could you please leave..'

'No.. not before we talked..'

'dam i think you should go... this is not the time..'

'Ethan.. i really need to talk to her..'

'Yes i get that but she said no..'


'I said leave damiano...please just leave!..'

** i shout at him while there are tears in my eyes**

'Valerlie please don't do this...i've changed...'

'No! Leave!..now!!!'

'not before you tell me who do you wanna be with! Me or ethan??..'

'Damiano.. i sai-..'

'Say it..!..'

'Damiano please don't make me do this..'

'Say it...'

'I-i....i wanna be with... ethan.. my love for him is bigger..and you know that!'

'Whatever i am leaving!..'

*and as he walks away she knows deep down inside of her heart that what she just told him isn't the whole truth..*

*to be coniued*



See you next time!❤️


another love💔❤️{damiano david}Where stories live. Discover now