44{i can't believe you didn't tell me?!}p1.💔

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*three days later*

{thomas his point of view}

'Hi val it's been a while... how are you?'

'I am good thom.. but can i come in?'

'Yeah ofcourse..'

'Soo...uhm we have alot to like uhm...talk about...'

'yeah.... Last time we talked uhh....'


{flashback} *back to when they hooked up*

'th-thomaas.... Please don't stop...plea-ahhh.... Fck..'

'your so wet for me... baby girl...'

'Mhh....please..f-ast-..ahhh..faster.... I am  gonna c-cum...''

'M-me too...baby girl...ahh your so sexy valerlie...'

'...thomas i am gonn-ahhh....there i-ahh...'


*they both moan while they kiss eachother...and cum together*

(A/n if you don't wanna read the smut chapters or if it makes you feel uncomfortable just read the other ones :-) and you can skip these ones)

'Wow...baby...girl...ohh..uhh i came inside of y-you...'

'It's okay...i am on birth control...me and dami wanna wait untill you know we're ready for another  baby....'

'yeah...uh okay...'

*he says while laying next to her in bed as he pulls up the bed covers and lookimg into her eyes*

'your so beautiful val... your body...is amazing...your eyes are amazing...to look at.. your hair is so soft.... Your lips..are amazing...do i need to go on now?..'

'Hahaha no... but that's so sweet thommy...your amazing too... your hands are uhm just  uhm wow.... your eyes are so fcking beautiful i could drown into them... your hair is so fluffy it makes you look so cute... and your smile... is so sexy and beautiful at the same time...' 

'Aww...baby girl..your making me shyy....'

'It is true... thommy..but i think...oo shoot.. dami is waiting for me... i need to ge-oo wait he's at his parents tonight with angel and luke.. i could stay...'

'sure lo-uhm val..'

'your so sweett...thommy... you can call me love..'


'Yeah..thommy...i mean it's okay...'

'Uhmm.. okay... then..'

{end of the flashback}

'Sooo that happend...then.. i mean the last time we saw eachother..'

'yeah... uhm... so thomas the reason i contacted you again..is because uhh i am uhh...'


'thomas... i am uhmm... pregant...'

'what???? How long do you know this??? and why?? I meah why didn't you just tell me???you could've called me...'

'I know...i know... but uhm i know it now for uhmm like uhm three days.... Or something...'

'wh-what????? I can't believe you didn't tell me?!...who esle knows????.....'

'ethan...and uhm dami ofcourse...'

'Valerlie!!!!... it's my child... why didn't you tell me?!!!... i fucking love you!...'

'Thomas.... I was scared..and i love you to but..for me...when we had sex that night it was just....'

'Was just?????'


'Just what????val'

**silence again**

'Valerie  say something !..what???'

**silence again**

'thomas..it was..... i mean what i am trying to say i-...'

*to be contiued*


Okayy this the final chapter of this story :( i am soo ssd this first story is done  but! The chapter or part 2 will be up tomorrow! And i also wanted to say thank you to all my lovely readers without you guys i wouldn't be writing books

Thank you so much.

I love you all.



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