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{thomas his point of view}

'Thanks for comimg val.. i really wanted to talk to you...how have you been?..'

'I've been very good..damiano asked me to marry him and i said yes..and o.. i am pregant...'

'Rea-really??.. but why didn't you tell me sooner?..'

'Well first i told vic and then i told ethan...'


'Thomas.. i just couldn't ok.. i tought i... i.. broke your heart...'

'you didn't... val.. but.. i do love you...'

'Thomas you know i love dami more...'

'I know..i know... but i just do.. after we kissed i felt something... and uhm.. i know felt it too...'

'thomas...stop it please... i love dami.. and we're getting married..'

'Valerlie... please listen... i-...'

'No!..thomas you listen.. look that kiss was... just... ugh never mind but we can't be together i am in love with damiano and you know it..'

'yeah i do... but what about the threesome's??...'

'thomas!please that's in the past.. sam is out of my life forever and those things are over...'

'you say that now but...'

'But what???...'

'Don't you wanna do it again??..'

'What? A threesome??? No.. i mean... well maybe... i am not sure...

'No... i mean just one person...'

'What the do you mean only just one person???'



{end of the flashback}

{valerlie's point of view}

Ok..valerie you can do this... i mean it's thomas.. you promised him to come again.. i mean it's not that weird... he's your friend.. ok now knock on th-...

'Oo hii.. your here..'

Thomas says while opening the door for me and letting me go inside..

'hi.. yeah ofcourse i am thom..'

'I am so glad i am seeing you again.. i've missed you..'

'Yeah... uhm what did you wanted to do?... you were very secretive on the phone earlier...'

'Uh.. valerlie.. i wanted to say sorry... about what happend.. it was all my fault... and when we uh talked on the phone earlier i just couldn't tell you... i am so sorry..'

'Oo thommy it's ok.. and don't blame yourself for it.. i was there too you know..'

*she says while sitting on the couch and he sits next to  her*

'yeah i know.. but you look really good.. tough..'

'Thanks i do feel alot better..'

'Oo yeah you told me you're morning sickness..'

'Yeah.. but i am so happy thomas..damiano makes me so happy..'

'aw .. that's great.. val.. i am so happy for you guys.. i can't wait to be an uncle..haha'

'aww you would be a great one.. haha..'

And she knows deep deep.. down inside her heart that those words she just told him are not even true...

{someone's pov}

I just arrived at the airport in rome finally tough.. the flight was horrible..kids... crying... ughhh ok now let's find a cab.. i need to find him.. i've missed him so much... when he broke up with me i didn't wanted to believe it... and i know that bitch had something to do with it... and also ofcourse her so called boyfriend... ok.. let's go now...


Enjoy!! See you next time!😘💋💋💋

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