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*the next day*

{valerie's point of view}

It's the next day and i just woke up alone in the bed that me and damiano share... god i geel ao guilty about everything... i mean it was so stupid to lie.. to him about something so big... ok.. let's go down stairs see if he woke up... ooo angel is still sleeping aw! She's so cute... ok.. let's go... deep breaths val...

And as i walk down stairs i can see that he's awake ok... here goes nothing...

'Uhm.. goodmorning dami..'

'goodmorning... uhm... look..'

'No me first...love... i an soo sorry...for lying to you like that.. i just panicked...and... i am soo sorry.... Dami..'

'babe.. that's not an excuse... i mean you lied to my face...'

'and i am sorry... dami... please... i said i am sorry..'

'No.. stop with that bullshit...'


'Val you made think you weren't pregant!...'

'dami i said i am sorry...please stop being so stubborn... and give me a hug...'

'No... i think you should go...'

'Really damiano?!! I tought you loved me!!...'

'Well i did...'

'Really??????...you are being so fcking stubborn right now swear... look i tought we were back together but i guess we're not anymore!!'

I yell at him while running back upstairs and locking myself into the bathroom...

Fck i hate it when we fight....


*a couple of moments later*

{damiano's pov}

'Babe please open the door....'


'Oh come on don't be stubborn...'

'No! You are the one who's stubborn damiano! Not me!!'

'Babe please... i am sorry... i acted like that ok...'

'that's not enough damiano....'

'Valerlie please.... Don't say that... i love you... so much.... I wanna be with you forever remember?...'

'Go away!!!'

'Not before you open up this door...valerlie i love you so fcking much... and i am so happy that you're pregant.. i mean i.... ....Just open up the fcking door before kick it... valerlie...'

*and she unlocks the door and falls into his arms crying really hard*

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
Well that's alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie....


Enjoy! See you next time!😘💋💋💋

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