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'da-dami oh my god it's not what it looks like... i swear.. baby please don't be mad...'

'o i am mad!! What the hell ?!!! and why is he still here?!!!'

'dami..please let me explain...pleasee..'

'No! No!! Leave!!!'

'please let me explain...please damiano...i ca-.'

'I said leave!!!!! And take angel with you!'

'Damiano don't do this...i can explain..'

'No!!! Leave!! Now!'

'Please damian please! Let me fcking explain!!'

'I said no! Now leave! I never wanna see you again!!'

*he screams at her while he's crying and valerlie is crying too she keeps looking at him while he turns his head and looking at ethan now*

'Please dam let her explain..'

'No!There is no explaintion needed!now please go!'

*back to the present*

{valerie's point of view}

it's the next day after the huge fight me and damiano had about the kiss with ethan.. i am still so upset about everything that happend.. but i guess things happen for a reason sometimes... ughh... ok so now i am just going down stairs i stayed at thomas his house because dami wanted me out .. so i took a bit of my stuff with me and ofcourse angel... who's still so cute.. and growing..everyday.. swear time flies...

'goodmorning val.. did you sleep well?'

'yeah i did o you made breakfast..nice.. i am hungry..'

'yeah and i made angel a bottle.. and gave it to her hope that's okay with you..'

'Oo aw thomas ofcourse it is... but you could've woke me up'

'Wel i tought you wanted some extra sleep so..'

'aw that's sweet of you thommy..anyways is she alseep ?'

'No i just put her down in her little crib i don't kno-..o she's sleeping..'

'haha ok.. good now..anyways thansk for letting me stay here..'

'No problem..that's what friends are for..'

'yeah true..'

And it is because after all the things that happend with sam me and thomas got so much closer together then we were before.. he's like a brother to me.. i mean in such a amount of time he really does.. and also because he was heart broken and i was there..to comfort him.. i mean that's what friends are for

'So is vic coming by today??'

'Uhh no she's on her dj tour remember..'

'Ooo yeah i forgot...oopsie..'

'Anyways uhm.. have you tought about how are you going to make up with damiano?'

'No not yet...'

'ok.. but have you talked to ethan??..'

'yes i did.. he texted me saying he was sorry... for everything that happend.. he blames himself but i told him not to do that..'

'ok ok.. but who do you love more??..'

'damiano... he's my everything... he's the father of my beautiful daugther... i don't wanna let him go.. he's so sweet.... I love him so much.. i would love to marry him...'

'did you just say you wanna marry him??'

'yeah..thomas when i had my heart brok-..who could that be??..'

**and she walks to the front door**

'Eth-ethan?!!!what are you doing here???'

'Valerlie please give me another chance..'

'wha-ethan i can't do that... i love damiano more..'

'You say that now bu-..'

'No..ethan please stop! We can't be together.. i am sorry.....'

*she says while the tears streaming down her face and closing the door*

'Hey who was that???..'

'Ethan..thomas.. why did all this shit happend to me.....'

'Shh...come here you...'

*and he takes her into his arms hugging her tight..and creasing her back with his hands trying to calm her down a bit* ...and deep down inside of her heart she knows there is only one person who can make her the happiest girl in the world...


I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care
But it's so cold and I don't know where
I brought you daffodils in a pretty string
But they won't flower like they did last spring
And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright
I'm just so tired to share my nights
I wanna cry and I wanna love
But all my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up, up... on another love...


Enjoy!! See you next time, i hope you guys like this chapter, as much i loved writing it 🥰

I also just wanted to say i love you all and if you're heart is broken right now or anything else just know that people are always here for you and it will be ok , in the end. ❤️


~ This is a safe space.🌈❤️  ~

another love💔❤️{damiano david}Where stories live. Discover now