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season 5, episode 3(part 1)

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season 5, episode 3
(part 1)

       "Where's Bob?" Sasha suddenly asked, her voice overpowering the chattering.

My head shot up from Maggie's shoulder, my eyes scanning over everybody else, their expressions full of confusion and fear. Slowly, I sat up from the ground, grabbing my Colt Frontier from my holster.

"Carol and Daryl are missing too," I said quickly, a curse exiting me as I strutted right to the front doors of the church, my hand moving to twist the knob.

I freeze as another hand is clasped over mine, forcing the door shut. "Are you crazy? You're not going out there," Glenn hissed, his grip tightening.

My eyes snapped over towards Glenn, noticing the frantic look in his eye. Maggie stood behind him, everybody else was behind her, watching us intently.

"Our people are missing, we can't just sit here," I argued, a scoff leaving me. "They could be in trouble. We gotta look for 'em,"

"We don't know what's out there," Glenn shot back, his grip on my hand loosening. "Even if we did, it's not safe for you,"

I let out another scoff at his words, my eyes rolling in annoyance. "Okay, Waterboy. I'm pregnant, not helpless," I muttered sarcastically.

Glenn's expression softened, his head shaking quickly. "I-I know you're not helpless– that's not..." he let out a frustrated sigh. "That's not what I was saying. But we have to be smart,"

"The smart thing to do is look for them," I told him lastly, swinging the door open quickly. The cold night air hit my face as I stepped into the darkness, my body disappearing into the night.

The sound of the door shutting behind me echoed along with the loud chattering inside, and I took a deep breath, the weight of decision heavy on my shoulders. My hand gripped my Colt Frontier tightly, my steps slow but filled with determination as I moved forward.

I moved cautiously, each step a deliberate effort to remain quiet and alert. The moonlight barely shone through the thick forest trees, their structure casting long shadows that danced along with the heavy breeze.

As I walked through the forest, I kept both my ears and eyes open, trying to find a sound that would help lead me to Daryl, Carol, or Bob– if they were even together. However, it was tougher due to the darkness.

I had to find them– there was no other option. They were my family, and they might be in trouble. I needed to find them.

A sudden snap of a twig made me freeze, my heart racing. I tightened my hold on my Colt Frontier, holding it against my chest as I turned my ear toward the noise.

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