CH 1: Manifestation

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Esme tries to catch her breath as she looks at her reflection in the water. Her hand reaches for the water, and she grazes it softly. "What is this??" She goes to kick out her legs but feels...restrained? She tries to swim to the shore only to turn around and see a long tail adored in shimmering blue and green scales dragging behind her, "AHHHHHH!!!" she flops back into the water with a loud audible splash, her hair flattening in front of her face. She parts the hair in front of her eyes with her hands and pulls it back behind her to rest along her back. "Wh-What is this?" She says, feeling the water beginning to sway her back into the sea. This had to be some sort of dream, although she couldn't remember anything. Where was she last? What came before this? 

You're a Siren, darling ~      A voice echoes in her mind.

"Whaaa...w-who said that?" Esme asks out loud, rapidly spinning around and searching for the source of the sound. She could feel every hair, well scale, on her body raise in terror and anticipation for the worst.

The water crashes into her lightly, bringing her underneath it's surface. She opens her eyes underneath it to reveal a beautiful sight of reefs and many fish. The water is a beautiful clear crystal blue beneath its surface, which was shocking considering the murky dark tone that it appeared above. Esme begins to swim lightly, taking in the sights of the world around her. She notices some other sea creatures but keeps her distance in fear.

I'm you, silly. I'm your Siren voice ~   The voice responds.

"What is going on? Where am I?" She says, suddenly noticing how she can speak effortlessly under the water. She looks down at her side where she feels a soft rise and fall, landing her eyes on three slits of gills on the side of her lower ribcage.

You died dear. This wonderful realm is called Hell.

"I died?! Hell?!" Esme shouts, "Bu-But I don't remember anything....I'm a good person, why am I here?" Esme swims to the surface once again, looking around, this time noting several buildings and strange beings walking in the distance... demons?

You were a woman of great potential in your lifetime, and here you hold so much more. You're able to make a single man bend with just one word of your voice. Minds become yours to command, people will live to serve you ~

Esme raised an eyebrow...that did sound nice.

She looks down at her hands, they're a mixture of ice blue and sea foam green, with long black claws for fingernails. She squeezes her eyes and retracts them, and when she does, she notices a beautiful emerald ring on her left hand, shining brightly in her eyes.

"Oh my...." The ring begins to glow brightly. A green smoke comes pouring out and enters Esme's eyes, making them glow even brighter than they did before. A striking neon green magic surrounds her with a sickening aura, several runes layering it around her. She reaches up and her fingers lightly dance across the symbols, her breath catching in her throat as she does so. 

You came into this realm heavily protected, my dear. I do say, that whatever magic you had in your past is nothing like this realm has seen before.

Esme raises an eyebrow, "I....I don't remember any of it." She says sadly. "I remember bits and pieces, but I...." She looks down at the ring, "For some reason this makes me.....anguished." She felt her chest cracking as if it longed for her to connect her soul to the story behind that little jewel. Who had placed it there and why was it so powerful? This was just the beginning of her story, and already she had so many questions, but they were all cut short when...

You will remember, in due time. But now....

Esme begins to feel a deep desire within her, her fangs growing to a point and her nose catching a delicious scent approaching the water. It's an intoxicating scent, one that consumes every one of her senses. Each sense was heightened with a sharp sensitivity that made her incredibly more aware of the world around her. Images looked brighter, more detailed, and she caught on to every slight movement around her, from the waves rippling to the birds in the air. Every sound was intensified and she could tell just how far away each little motion was. The worst part, her smell. Her smell was so incredibly heightened that she could taste the metallic blood flowing through her own body. A male demon passes by, walking along the shore. She knows that the scent she is salivating for is coming from him. She wants to devour him, to rip his head off of his shoulders, and drain every last drop from his very soul.  Esme ducks her head underneath the water, peering out with her bright green eyes as they zoned in on his every movement. She stalked him like a predator would it's prey.

She was famished with a hunger that burned to be quenched.

It's time to hunt.

🖤Words: 867🖤

~ Artemis🦌💗

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