CH 57: Extermination Pt. 2

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~ Narrator ~

Esme reappears in front of the hotel just as Adam sends a series of beams down at the group. She stumbles back and falls, breaking Nifty's crash.

"Suck my holy light fuckers, yeah!" Adam sings.

"Argh." She groans, wiping her jaw from the blood leaking out, "I'm getting tired of you..." She growls.

Sir Pentious watches Charlie and Vaggie from his camera, listening in.

"We aren't going to last long unless we do something about him."

"...of course..."

He retreats into the hotel. Esme hears an engine starting and looks up.

The girls walk closer to it. "Pentious..." Charlie mumbles.

His ship takes off, heading towards Adam at a painstakingly slow speed. "That crazy motherfucker..." Angel puts a hand to his head.

"N-No!" Esme shouts, running forward, but Angel pulls her back. "He's gonna get himse-"

Adam turns around, "Ah, what the?" He zaps it with his light, making it vanish. "Haha, well that could've been ugly."

"Nooo!" Charlie screams, covering her eyes and falling to the ground.

The group gasps and covers their mouths in shock and despair. They can't believe the scene they just watched before them. That one of them risked their life, and perished, in an attempt to save them all.

How honorable.

" did good, buddy," Angel mumbles. Esme stands alongside him, shaking her head frantically from side to side.

"Santa Madre..." She whispers, clenching her chest.

"Charlie..." Vaggie whispers, "I'm so sorry..."

Charlie growls and stands back up, reaching out, "Razzle! Dazzle!" She calls and they fly around her, causing a tunnel of fire to encompass her. She releases her true demon form with a vengeful look in her eyes, "Let's ride!"

The two take off.

Esme watches with pride as Husk and the others cheer Charlie on. She focuses forward where she notices a group of exorcist's coming at them. "Not the time for that!" She shouts, taking a breath and releasing her death screech. They fall back and she pounces on them similar to a lion with their prey, ripping through them with her claws.

She would make them pay for what they just did. For all the bloodshed that they've caused throughout the centuries. She was seeing red and was practically foaming at the mouth.

But her revenge is cut short when she feels herself getting yanked off and tossed to the side where she slams into the hotel. She hits it with a rough force, "Argh!" she falls to the ground.

She stumbles weakly, feeling her body crumbling underneath her. Her small frame was battered and beaten and trying its hardest to hold her. She tries to summon her magic but it barely forms around her. She looks down and that's when she sees it.

Her ring.


"N-No..." She whispers, feeling her throat be grabbed by one of them. "Agh!" She kicks wildly. "Put me down, you disgusting creature."

"You're that siren they keep talking about..." It growls, "Too bad, they never said we couldn't kill you." Its haunting gaze focused on her, almost seeing right through to her mortal soul.

Esme's eyes widen as it draws back its spear. She can still hear Alastor's voice in her head.

Come back to me in one piece...

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