**CH 59: Master**

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BDSM references in this chapter, blood, slight degration, and more! 

You've been warned. 

Also, the song reference (if you get it), should explain this chapter.

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Alastor was caught off guard by her sudden boldness, but he quickly responded to the kiss. His arms wrapped around Esme's waist and pulled her closer, eliminating any space between the two.

He kissed back with a fierce passion, his pent-up emotions and desires pouring out in that single kiss. His fingers tangled in her hair and his grip tightened, pulling softly on her scalp.

Esme moans at the sensation, something she always particularly enjoyed during their lives together.

He remembered.

He knew what buttons to push.

Memories of her over his desk begging for him to satisfy her enter his mind. The way the two would sneakily make time for one another during his busy workday. The way he would have to stifle her moans with his hand to ensure no one in the office could hear her pleas. The way her hair would tangle in his fingers and how she would gasp when her head would snap back.

He pulled her hair slightly, just enough to carefully tilt her head back and expose her neck. His lips then danced across her skin, trailing kisses and gentle bites along the sensitive patches, his grip on her hair never loosening.

Esme began to squirm underneath him, gasping softly and moaning sweetly at every kiss on her neck.

He relished in her building pleasure, speaking huskily into her ear, "You always did enjoy that, didn't you, darling?" He smirked at her response, a breathless, empty, nod.

A submissive nod.

Esme whimpers, "Mmhmm~" She pants as he continues, "Y-You don't think this is a bit too soon?" She questions breathlessly.

"Of course not..." He whispered, pulling away from her neck as he brought his hand up from her waist to gently caress her jawline with his thumb.

"....after we've spent over 6 decades apart, spending every moment we can together right now is the best idea"

Esme doesn't hesitate before nodding eagerly in agreement. She places two hands on his chest and pulls him closer down to her level, kissing his jaw softly.

He hums in approval as she explores his skin. His head tilts slightly to give her better access.

"Careful, darling..." He warns, his voice softer now. "You keep doing that, and I might not be able to control myself."

Esme giggles and leaves a trail of kisses until she pulls his face down to her level. She whispers in his ear, "....is that a promise?" She asks seductively.

He lets out a low growl, his grip on her tightening, "It's a warning, darling."

Esme giggles and runs her hands through his hair, brushing past his ears. "Hmm that sounds fun~" She purrs.

Alastor let out a soft exhale as her hands brushed against his ears. He leaned into the touch, unable to deny himself the pleasure. Despite his best efforts to maintain composure, he was clearly becoming increasingly affected by her actions.

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