CH 30: Binding Contract

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The next morning, Alastor is jolted in the middle of his breakfast by the sound of furniture flying and smashing glass. He smirks, knowing exactly what is going on.

In the next room, Esme begins to wreak havoc on her space. She throws every article of clothing in the air, flings wooden chairs, and more.

Where did it go?! She shouts in her mind. Without her ring, without her magic, what did she have? Esme knew that her powers were now extremely weakened, and without her source, she was left vulnerable for several demons to seek out. She swings her door open, only to see Angel and Charlie on the other side.

"Soooooo...." Angel begins to nervously speak up, "How ya doinnnn?" Esme grits her teeth and shoves him aside,

"Where's my fucking ring?" She sneers.

"You lost your ring?" Charlie questions, seeing Esme begin to hurriedly rush down the hall, "D-Do you remember where you had it last."

"I remember being on the couch with-" Esme's eyes light up as she sees Alastor appear in a thin cloud of smoke in the parlor, "Perfect!" she hurries towards him, "Alastor, by any chance have you seen my ring? Perhaps it slipped off when we were reading last night."

He smiles smugly, "What ring, dear?"

Esme's eyes attempt to glow, but they mostly look like a flame in a weak candle struggling to stay lit, "My ring..." She growls.

He notes her weakened abilities and hums in satisfaction, "My dear, if it was so important to you, why did you lose it in the first place?"

Esme hisses threateningly as she reaches up to the collar of his coat and pulls him down to her, "Don't play games with me asshole, have you seen it or not?!" Her skin goes ice cold when she makes connection with his eyes. There they were....for the first time...

Radio Dials.

"B̵̲̉̕͝e̶̺͂̀ v̶̝͕͋̂e̵̖͇̓͗r̵̥̾̐̊y̵̺̮͜͝ ċ̵͙̗ă̴͉̞ͅr̷̯͕̟̈́͝ë̸̘͉́̄f̸̨̼͇͛ủ̷̪̦̺̃l̵̲̗̘͆ w̶͉̟̍̎͝ḩ̸̔̈́a̴͛͂͋͜t̸̜̐ͅ y̷͖̱̣͠o̶̰͚̓͡ū̸̥͒̑ s̸͖̊̎̅ä̵̗͇͇́ÿ̸̩̀͝ ǹ̵̦̦̘͌ẹ̶̞̑͆x̴͍̺̝̽̑t̴͖̍,̷͖̤̈ ḍ̸̯͠ã̷̦͌͜͝ͅr̸̤̱̤̎̿ļ̶̨̐́͗i̶̝͑n̵̫͖̺̍͠g̷̟̳͑̀"

Esme eyes widen for a split second in disbelief. He's never spoken to her like that before, never looked at her like that. She narrows her eyes and pushes him away in a huff. He smirks at her and effortlessly disappears into the floor.

"Fine, be like that." She groans. She turns her back and walks away, beginning to remove every pillow from the couches and looking underneath. She spots Nifty hyperactively cleaning the floor.

"Nifty!" Esme bends down, getting on her knees to her eye level, "Dearest, I have a very important job for you." She reaches for her hands, "Please, I need you to find my ring. It's small and green. Look everywhere you can, every room, every drawer."

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