CH 7.5: Memories

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(A/N: A little baby subchapter before we get back into the plot of the story. I thought I'd throw in some fluff with flashbacks to book 1).

~ Alastor's POV ~

She's gone. In a moment, just as quickly as she came, she left. The parlor eventually calms as night falls, many of the patrons returning to their respective rooms for the evening, but I remain in the same room that I saw her last.

There's a silence where her voice once spoke. I walk over to the window and look out into the dark streets.

Just when I think this night couldn't get any worse, a memory plagues my mind.

~ Louisiana, 1931 ~

We stand by the front door. I'm bent down to her level, buttoning her little coat and securing her hat over her head.

"Is that warm enough, mon ange? Should I grab the gloves?"

There's a laugh behind me, an intoxicating laugh. I turn around and see her doubled over at the sight of our small daughter all bundled up, "Where is she going, Alastor, Alaska?" She wipes a tear from her eyes and walks over, bending down to help.

I chuckle to myself at her joke, narrowing my eyes before responding, "It's the first snowfall in years, I just want her to be warm."

"Oh come now, it's a light dusting. It's barely sticking, and it's only 30 degrees for heavens sake! You'd never survive in New York." She chuckles, trading her large jacket for a warm sweater. "She has a long sleeve under this? How many layers did you put?" She shakes her head, standing up.

The little one stands there, pouting. She was always a little grumpy in the morning.

"What's wrong, dove?" My darling wife asks, bending down once more. Our daughter quickly turns from her, "Well..."

"She's probably still a little grumpy from waking up, and she's not entirely happy about having to leave mommy for the day~...."

"But Genny, daddy is going to spend the whooolllleeeee day with you~"

She pouts and crosses her arms, looking away with a huff.

Esme's eyes widen, "Oh no, that's not very can hurt mommy's feelings."

I smile and mimic my daughter's language, crossing my arms as well, "Yes, you can hurt mommy's feelings young, say you're sorry~" I smile softly to show her I'm not truly angry at her.

She continues to pout for a few seconds, stomping in place before she uncrosses her arms and sighs, speaking in her tiny voice, "....sorry, mama."

I would kill to hear that voice every day once again.

Esme smiles, pulling her into a hug, "That's alright darling, now go before your father changes his mind." She pats her back, nudging her to the door.

"I'll have her back in one piece, I promise~" I smile brightly as I take her by the hand and leave through the front door. I know she isn't too far behind me, she is always worried.

"Ohh....." I hear her whisper. We continue to walk down the stairs of the porch, "Now remember, no strangers! She can run, so keep an eye on her!" We're practically down the street but she keeps on shouting, "And no peanuts, you remember she's allergic!"

I can't help but laugh at her display, "I know, I know! No strangers, peanut free area, stay in sight - I got it, Esme!"

We finally make it to the park and she bolts off into the dusting of snow, motioning me to follow. She squeals cheerfully, her little shoes leaving imprints in the snow.

"Be careful, little one! You don't want to fall!" She's getting further away. How is she so fast? Dammit. I chase after her, finally catching up with her at the swing set.

There are three slow claps behind me. I tense up, assuming someone has followed us and anticipating the worst.

But, she walks out from behind the tree, "Wow, bravo!" she claps teasingly, "I told you, she can run!"

I blink at her in surprise, putting a hand to my chest, "What are you doing here?"

"Ohhhh, I got nervous." She huffs, hugging me softly. I smile and pat the top of her head,

"I thought we agreed you would stay home and finish your chores, not track us down to the park~..."

"Well....maybe I'll just stay for a moment." She smiles blissfully, looking at our little one who is sticking her tongue out at her mother. "WELL!"

I chuckle softly, "Now is a daddy daughter day my little vixen....that means no mommy~" I smirk, teasing her playfully.

"Humph.....well, you forgot lunch." She says, pulling out a small bag. She jumps as she feels our daughter's hands on her legs, pushing her away.

"Well, I guess that's my cue..." She giggles, walking away, before turning once more, "Remember, no-"

"No peanuts, no strangers, stay in sight...gotcha!" I wink.

She smiles and walks away.

Why couldn't we just stay there forever? 

🖤Words: 826🖤

~ Artemis💗🦌

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