CH 17: Breathtaking

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The next morning, Esme hesitates to show her face to the others. She prolongs going downstairs for as long as she can, until she can not ration with her hunger anymore and decides to head to the kitchen for some sustenance. Last night left her roughed up, she was more tired than usual, but was presentable nonetheless. No one could ever tell that her dress had been torn, considering the fact that she repaired it with her magic during the evening. Her scratches were minor, mostly covered. Esme made a note to leave her coat upstairs as this was just a quick run to the fridge. As she's coming down the stairs, she sees Charlie on the phone with the others surrounding her appearing a bit on edge. She pauses at the end of the steps.

"Please, just come see what I'm trying to do...You'll see why it's a really good idea and heaven is bound to agree if I get the chance to talk to them." She takes a deep breath, "Please...Dad."

Dad? Lucifer himself?

Esme is shaken out of her thoughts as Vaggie shouts, "Okay, people Lucifer is on his way, so we are going to make this place presentable and we are going to make an amazing impression - vámonos!" Esme watches as everyone scatters.

She slowly approaches Charlie, "Pardon me, Princess, but I just wanted to apologize for my involvement with the altercation from last evening..."

Charlie turns to her, showing a saddened smile, "Esme, that's alright, we all lose ourselves sometimes."

Esme smiles softly at her words, turning her head slightly.

"Oh, and Esme?" She looks back, "Charlie is just fine."

"I promise, I'll do whatever it takes to help your mission. You're a good kid." Esme reaches for her hand, squeezing it tightly, "Your father will be very proud, I know I would." She walks off to help the others get ready.

Esme uses her magic to help clean up the area, adding some decorations and a beautiful green bouquet of flowers for a table centerpiece. She notices Alastor descending down the stairs and smiles at him, but notes his displeasure.

Soon, the time has come and the group gathers around the door for Lucifer's arrival. Esme stands next to Angel, her hands clasped in front of her. "Okay, everyone, it's showtime~" Charlie sings as she opens the door, already revealing Lucifer waiting outside.

How long was he standing there?

"Charlie!" He exclaims, immediately rushing in and giving her a tight squeeze.

Esme chuckles softly and looks to Angel during this interaction. Charlie pulls back and clears her throat.

"Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" She smiles proudly. A small cat approaches The King as well as Charlie's two dragons, and he begins gushing over all of them. He appears very excited to be reunited with Charlie and her animals, which is sweet to watch (at least for Esme).

He turns to the lobby, looking around with a displeased expression, "Wowww this place sure looks..." He begins with an unsure tone of voice, "Uh huh, yeah, well it's got a lot of character.." He turns to see the bar, "AH! What in the unholy hell is that?" He asks in disgust.

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