CH 12: We'll Meet Again

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Esme quickly got settled into her new room, cringing at the sight of the pathetic choice of wallpaper. She snapped her fingers and just like that all her furniture from her room in the tower was transported into this one, everything appearing just as it was before. She sighed and wrapped her curls into a tall ponytail, changing into a black tank top and green shorts for the evening. She's making some final changes in her room when she hears a knock on her door.

When she opens it, she sees Angel on the other side, "You live here now?! What the hell happened, you left the Vees?!" He storms into her room.

Esme sighs, "It was a long time coming Angel, believe me." She says, going through the outfits in her closet to organize them.

"So, what does this mean? What happened in the studio when we left?" He follows her to the closet.

She doesn't answer at first, feeling small static on her neck. It didn't hurt, but was just a daily reminder for her of who she belonged to.

"It's done..." She whispered.


Esme turns around, looking at him, "You're free, bambino..." She whispered.

His eyes widened and small tears formed, "W-What? What are you saying? You better not be lying."

Esme chuckles, "Do you think that little of me that I would joke about t-"


"Now, don't was a simple deal really.."

Angel's took a step towards her, "No...please, please don't say you took a deal with Val."

She smiled sincerely, "I didn't take a deal with Valentino, you need not worry about me." She turns back to the closet. "He traded your soul contract to me, and in my eyes...." She looks back at him, "You're free."

There's a moment of silence before Angel rushes to her and hugs her tightly, "You're amazing.." He cries.

Esme smiles sadly and wraps her arms around him, "I will always be here for matter what it takes...."

~ The Next Morning ~

Esme gets up early the next day, dressed in her usual green strapless dress and heels, and heads to the kitchen to see what she can have for breakfast. She isn't interested in many of the choices in the fridge or in the cabinets, having a need to consume a bit more fresh meat.

She sighs and uses her magic to conjure a water bottle of blood to snack on in the meantime. She desperately needed a trip to cannibal town to stock up on her usuals. Her hunger was ravishing through her, making her act more on her siren tendencies, both violent and provocative.

To make matters worse, there was this sickeningly sweet scent in the air that drove her absolutely feral. The same scent she would catch every now and then at those meetings. It called to her like a magnet.

She hears the incoming static walking into the kitchen, and she turns just in time to see Alastor walk in, "Mornin'~" She smiles brightly.

"Good morning, my dear." He responds calmly, secretly damning his decision to venture to the kitchen so early in the morning. "Did you sleep well?"

"I guess so, it's always a bit odd sleeping in a new space. I hope I didn't make any disturbing noises~"

He didn't answer, just calmly poured himself a cup of coffee and went to walk out the door.

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