CH 62: Finale

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I like to think that

Our story isn't over just yet,

 That someday,

We'll meet again...

And finally get it right.

~ Unknown

──── •✧• ────

The glowing scarlet sun stands in the blood red sky as another day greets Hell. This time, a change to the pentagram, as extermination day was officially cancelled and sinners could rest easy without the fear of exorcists angels descending down for their regular feast. 

Overcome from exhaustion, both emotionally and physically, Alastor was fast asleep on their shared bed, turned away from Esme. She couldn't see it, but his face was relaxed, his smile only being held up by the strings sown into his skin. 

His wife, however, is wide awake. She lays on her back looking up at the ceiling in deep thought. Memories of their lives together flooding her mind. The times their daughter would run under their feet in the kitchen, the way she would gently knock on the office door when visiting her father, or the way she would throw little tantrums when she couldn't find her stuffed rabbit. Oh, how she longed to hold her. 

Her little melody, the lyrics to the song in her heart. 

But, at the same time, memories of her life alongside her love come to view. How he twisted his face in a teasing manner at her food, the way he would drive fast down an empty road so she could lean out and feel her hair in the wind, or the way he would track down where she was in the house each morning to make sure he gave her a goodbye kiss before work. 

Her entire heart, the blood that ran through her. 

The decision ahead of her was a fork in the road she never thought she would be at. A choice between being a wife or being a mother. 

She looks towards Alastor and notes his back rising and falling peacefully as she carefully slides out of bed. She sighs and succeeds in not waking him, but when she turns around she sees a large black cloud looming over her. She gasps but it holds her mouth tightly. When her heart finally stills, she realizes...

It's just his shadow. 

It releases her mouth and looks down at her with pleading eyes, already knowing what's going on in her mind. She shakes her head looking up at it, 

'I can't...' she mouths. 

It's ears fall back. 

'I don't know.' she mouths once more, moving past it. 

It flies back to her before she can reach the door and wraps itself around her neck. Similar to how a cat would do on it's master's legs. 

"I'll be back, I promise." She whispers as she shoos it away. It pulls back and sinks to the floor. It doesn't make noise, but it looks like it's almost whining. 

She needed to go for a swim. 

~ Time Skippy ~

Alastor wakes to find that the right side of the bed is empty, lacking the warmth of his wife. His eyes flutter open as his body notices the lonely space, narrowing immediately at the sight. He sits up and looks around the room, failing to find her. He gets up and walks to the bathroom, but it's still bare. 

His shadow flies up next to him, causing Alastor to turn. 

"Where is she?" He questions in a low, raspy, voice. 

It's ears fall back and he takes a step closer, causing it to back up. 

"Do you know where she is?" 

It nods. 

"Well then, go get her..." He growls. It doesn't hesitate before it smiles wickedly and sinks into the floor, sliding underneath the door and leaving. 

Alastor walks around the room for a second, stretching, and getting changed into usual attire when he hears Charlie in a conversation with herself in the hallway. 

"Heaven won't mess this up, right?" She sighs from outside, "We're going to need as much protection as we can get, now that Adam is gone they will come back stronger..." She paces, happening to passing by Alastor and Esme's door. 

Alastor's smirk turns into a evil grin. 

Well, with her gone, I can finally put this plan in place. 

What's a teensy little favor, anyhow...right Charlie?

──── •✧• ────

Alastor's shadow traveled along the sand to the shore where it was sure it would find it's target. It's ears perk up from the sand when it hears faint singing coming from the water. It slides underneath the dock and emerges from the sand, resting there watching her. 

She laid in the distance on top of a large sea rock, with her arms crossed and her head resting on them against it.  She picks up her head and looks up at the hotel in the distance where she can see the radio tower. Her fins droop slightly and she sniffles away some tears, resting her head back down. 

Why wouldn't he just try for her? For them? 

Perhaps he's right, his soul is far too corrupted, there would be no hope in even trying. 

But why were the seraphims and Lucifer so interested in her? How did that exorcist angel know that she was the siren? What did that mean 'The Siren they've been talking about.' 

Could it be in the cards for her? Did they know something she didn't? 

She continues to hum her little melody, soothing herself, until she begins singing. 

Risking it all only to fall, 

Back where I started... 🎶

She sniffles and lets her hand drop into the water, running it through the red. 

Back near the shore, back to before, 

You took my hand...

Betcha on land, they understand, 

And they don't strand you brokenhearted...🎶

His shadow's smile breaks for a second into a frown, watching her pull herself up and look off to the hotel. It's ears hang low and it lays down sorrowfully on to the ground. 

What did I give to live where you are? 

Where do I go with no where to turn to? 🎶

──── •✧• ────

'A Siren's Hunt'

By: Artemis

🖤Total Word Count: 110,605🖤

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