CH 3: Poor Unfortunate Souls

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"Now missy, there's no need to be so snarky ~" The demon smiled at her, "Why don't you come out of the water and we can have ourselves a little chat, hmm?"

Esme rolls her eyes and sinks into the water without a word.

"Oh, I do like your spunk - but don't make me go in there after you. This is a very expensive dress after all."

Ugh, fine.

There's a flash of light and Esme walks effortlessly out of the water on two legs, wearing a short scaly green dress, and black heels.

"My, aren't you a vision~" The demon looks her up and down. She was a natural beauty of supernatural nature, with a light seafoam tint to her skin, voluminous waves, long dark eyelashes, and green scales up her arms. With full lips and soft curves, she was truly exquisite.

"And who do I have the pleasure to speak with?" Esme smiles sweetly, but challengingly, as she takes a step forward.

"Oh, posh are we?" The demon smiles down at her, noting her small size, "I'm Rosie dear. I'm a connoisseur of flesh myself, so naturally, I had to come see who was making this magnificent blood bath." She shakes Esme's hand without warning, bouncing her arm up and down excitably.

"I-It's lovely to meet you." Esme chuckles nervously, taken back by her sweetness, yelping as Rosie pulls her forward.

"Now, I know just the place you'll love to call home! My town is filled with people who would just die all over again to see you! You've become quite the topic of discussion throughout the pentagram.." She smiles, walking away with her still in her grasp.

"And that's?" Esme bats her eyelashes with a raised brow.

"Cannibal Town, dear!" She beams, dragging her along, "I have a town full of gals and gents yapping their mouths off about some bloodthirsty Siren. You've nearly become an icon to them!"

And she was right, as soon as she entered Cannibal Town, Esme was flooded with people who wanted to ask alllllll types of questions.

"Did you ever eat human flesh before you died?!"

"I don't know..."

"How did you end up being such a beautiful siren?"

"....I don't know...."

"Where are ya from?"

"..I - I don't know!" She shouts, visibly becoming flustered. Esme's skin slowly washes over with an icy blue, her fangs protrude forward, and her waves slowly begin....blinking? Sea serpents suddenly appearing from her head and hissing at the sinners.

"Alllllrightyyy I think we've had enough questions for now~" Rosie says as she drags Esme away into her Emporium, closing the door. Esme sighs and resorts back to her usual appearance. It was after hours, not one soul in sight.

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