CH 7: My Darling Siren

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~ Alastor's POV ~

Well, that was a splendid broadcast if I do say so myself! I sighed in content, happily tapping my desk as I looked over the dark pentagram.

He always makes this so easy.

I stayed in my office for a little while, placing a vinyl on my record player, and straightening up and whatnot. This hotel was very draining and the idiocy of the patrons was something I rather not be near, so I stayed up in my office, my lovely tower, for most of the day. I walk back and forth throughout the space, my heels clicking on the tile and my fingers snapping to the beat, until my eye catches motion from my sideview. Leaning over to peer down, I see a familiar face walk up to the hotel from my window.

No, it can't be...

What is she doing here?!

Throughout the last nine decades, I have tried my best to avoid her at all costs. It worked for the most part, the only time I'd see her was during meetings, always taking the opportunity to sit next to her. She always looked so beautiful throughout the years, and she had grown so much as a leader. She was strong willed just as she was before, but was smart - always one step ahead. I never saw that side of her before.

I did notice a undeniable change in her during those meetings, different than how she usually behaved when I watched over her. My time had not come yet for my indebted favors, so I spent most of my time watching her...observing her. I didn't need to be around her all the time, her ring still worked just as well as it did during our human lives. I could see where she was at all times.

At all times.

Even the intimate times.

With....other men.

It made me sick, but I allowed it. I would never tell her who I was. Whenever anyone asked her about her background, she would quickly get upset. She would avoid eye contact, sometimes even storming out in a fit. I had messed her up...bad. I couldn't allow myself to taint her once again, not when she was fitting in so beautifully here.

Anyhow, that change was when we would sit next to one another. She would become easily flustered. Not in a good way, in a starved way. Her beautiful fangs would always descend quickly from her mouth, her eyes darting to me for a moment before turning away. At some point, Rosie caught on to this and started bringing her bottles of blood to snack on. It wasn't a sight that Carmilla necessarily enjoyed, but I found it ravishing.

I never understood what made her so famished though....

And now she's here, in my space?! This couldn't happen. I knew that if I slipped up and became distracted that Lilith would only tighten my restrains and possibly do worse harm to myself...or even to her. She needs to leave...immediately.

I leave my radio tower to investigate, descending in a black smoke to the parlor where I lean against my cane looking at her. Her voice carried throughout the space in a lively chuckle, happily talking with Husker about how much she's missed him. Her hair flows down her back, her fingernails running along the wood as she spoke. She sits on that bar stool happily laughing and suddenly I'm right back at that speakeasy in the Spring of 1927, contemplating if i should approach her or not.

In my vision, I can still see her sitting there in her beautiful black gown with those shimmering diamonds kissing her neck, her nose in a small martini glass. That was a very long time ago, but I could see him as vividly as it was yesterday.

I slowly make my way towards her, and she must sensed me (damn those heightened senses of hers), because she quickly whips around, making eye contact with me.

Those hypnotic eyes....

"Well, well, isn't this a surprise~" I grin with a cheery tone, "My darling Siren, I wasn't expecting to see you here - but welcome!" I reach for her hand, taking it and shaking it softly.

Her angelic skin...

I'm getting distracted easier than I thought, she makes this too difficult. 

She smiles, "Thank you for your hospitality, Alastor, but I'm not staying."

Oh, thank Satan.

She stands up from the barstool and walks up to me. I have to lean my head downward to look her in the eye. I forget how small she is. She's taller than she was years ago, but still only makes it to my chest, "Please, allow me to say that on behalf of VoxTek industries, I apologize for our fearless leader's outburst today..."

I can't contain my chuckle and my smile stretches a little bit in genuine laughter, "Him? It's not a problem my dear."

She smiles again, "You and I have always gotten along swimmingly..."

More than you know...

"...I hope that his behavior doesn't change that."

I reach for her hand once more. I can't help myself, and on instinct I raise it to my lips and kiss it softly, "Never, dear." The radio frequencies to my voice dropping.

Two fins pop out of the side of her head and obviously I've struck a cord. I clear my throat and drop her hand carefully.

She smiles nervously and takes one step back. She turns from me and downs the rest of her drink.

Someone obviously wants to go...

"Well, this has been great, but I'm afraid I have to head back to the others. If Vox finds out I'm here, I'll surely perish." She laughs. I could listen to her laugh for hours.

She turns to Angel and hugs him tightly before pulling away, waving to Husker and nifty, and then nodding to me as she heads for the door.

Don't go! Just stay here, please!

My eye twitches at the sight, and soon she's gone. 

🖤Words: 1000🖤

~ Artemis 🦌💗

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