CH 53: Revelations

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Esme carefully leads him back to his suite, pushing the door open with her hip and guiding him inside. "Alastor, you're shaking, you should sit down." She says worriedly. She had never seen him like this before, neither in life nor in death. He was usually stoic and strong, always wanting to showcase a tough exterior to those around him. He never allowed himself to appear vulnerable, but with her, he is slowly becoming undone.

He sits down on the bed and Esme sighs, looking down at him sadly, "I'm sorry for my behavior this evening..." He stared up at her as she mumbled her quiet apology, the sound of her voice breaking him out of whatever trance he'd fallen into.

Alastor was confused. Why was she apologizing to him? He had been the one to hurt her both mentally and physically.

"You...what are you sorry for?" He questions, crossing his arms.

Esme's eyes widen at the sight of his body language, "For upsetting you?" Her tone was just as confused, sliding up in frequency.

He paused at her answer, she was actually apologizing to him - even after everything he did.

"No, don't say that. You didn't do anything wrong." He mumbled, his expression softening as he spoke. The fact that she felt the need to do that made him feel worse about the whole thing.

There's a silence that fills the space as Esme watches his chest rise and fall dramatically. "Alastor..." She whispers in a nurturing tone. She walks over to him and goes to place a hand on his shoulder before hesitating, "Is this okay?" She asks.

He looks up at her in disbelief as she asks for permission. The gesture was...soft. So gentle. He'd never heard someone ask permission to touch him before. It was a boundary that was often not respected.

"Yes...that's fine."

She reaches over and lightly touches his shoulder, rubbing softly, until she quickly wraps her arms around him and hugs him tightly. A sigh escapes her lips. "You're okay,'s okay, it's over."

He stays silent for a moment, completely caught off guard by her comfort. "Esme..." He whispered, dropping his filter. His body tensed and he made no effort to resist nor to reciprocate.

Esme tenses at his voice, immediately pulling back. Her face lands directly in front of his, their noses practically touching. "Do you not want to embrace me?"

His heartbeat increases as she is suddenly inches from him. Her eyes shine like the most beautiful emerald he's ever seen, her skin lush and like velvet on his. He takes a moment before quickly shaking his head and stuttering a response, "N-No, I..."

Esme begins to back away, looking embarrassed with an obvious flush to her cheeks, "Perhaps I should go..."

No! You've already done this once. I'm not letting you leave again.

"No." He says sternly, lunging forward and grabbing her hand. She turns and looks at him in bewilderment as his eyes scan hers. His crimson gaze holds a multitude of conflicting emotions, one being the look of panic. Seeing her leaving him made him feel panicked.

Without thinking, he grabs her other hand and holds it firmly.

"Don't go."

"...Okay." She whispers.

Esme continues to stare at him, this time seeing him looking up at her from his bed. He didn't budge, his eyes locked on hers. Her breathing begins to speed up and her heart beats faster. His gloved hand caresses hers softly.

Several moments pass by.

"Alastor..." She says softly with a slight chuckle, "Are you going to hold my hands all evening?"

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