CH 27: Remember Me

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~ Esme's POV ~

Finally, a moment alone.

It's bad enough I'm embarrassed beyond words for my little performance at the dock, but now I have to come back to these two berating me? This was, well, hell. My own little personal hell that I was living in was stuck in a never-ending loop and I'm getting fucking dizzy.

In an attempt to distract myself, I decide to straighten the room. My hand flicks on the radio to listen to some relaxing music, but instead, I'm met with a familiar voice.

Oh, that's right. He did say he was doing his broadcast.

I go to change the channel, but with every turn on the knob, it just stays on the same show. What the hell is wrong with this thing? I pick it up and shake it lightly, placing it back down before turning it off and on again. Then it hits me.

This asshole programmed them to stay on his show as long as he's live?

I can't help but chuckle at this. Even though this was extremely cocky and controlling, it was also downright comical. Well, it's not like he didn't have a nice voice. I smirk and decide to leave it on as I go about my business, humming to myself while I dust the dressers. Cleaning always helped me clear my mind. I imagined I spent most of my time cleaning when I was alive, perhaps taking care of a little home. I always imagined a small quiet one with red shutters and lots of laughter.

"Well, that's all the time we have for today, my wayward sinners! Until next time, farewell!~"

And just like that, the radio turns completely off. Does it even work without him?

Night quickly falls and soon there's a knock on my door. It's not soft or delicate, but pounding and demanding. I suck my teeth and open the door to see Vaggie on the other side, "Why, hel-"

"Charlie wants everyone for a movie night for some bonding, so get your scales ready and come downstairs."

I growl at her words and slam the door in her face. I swear, if she wasn't connected to The Princess, I would have sunk my fangs deep into her throat by now. Right in her carotid arteries, where her blood would pour into my mouth and satisfy me for the next week.

After a few moments of composing myself, I change into something a bit more casual and headed downstairs. I held my hair tie in my mouth as I wrapped my curls up into a bun and tied it securely. Angel raises an eyebrow at me as I come down the stairs.

"A tank top?" He questions, skimming my body with his eyes.

"I need a ball gown for a picture show in the lobby?" I roll my eyes and brush past him, still pissed from earlier.

Just as I sit down, the front door opens and Alastor walks in. "Alastor, great! We're having a movie night sit down." Vaggie instructs.

"I'll have to decline, my dear." He waves his hand dismissively. "Not one for that useless entertainment.." He starts walking towards the stairs.

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