A/N: Geneviève AU

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Hi everyone! 👋

I have been working on Geneviève's character form for her AU, and I thought I'd post it here to give you all an idea of the vibe of her book.


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Name: Geneviève Abigail Luciano (Hartfelt)
Name Meaning: Geneviève (woman of the family), Abigail (father's joy), Luciano (light shining)
Name Reason: Alastor and Esme chose the name Geneviève, with the French spelling, as a nod to Alastor's heritage. She is also named Abigail after Alastor's mother.
Nicknames: Genie, Genny, Evie, Gen
Age: 21
Birthday: June 10th, 1929
Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Physical Appearance Extras

Glasses or contacts: Geneviève has good vision, but does use reading glasses when she's studying or writing.

Distinguishing Marks: She has a "birthmark" on the inner part of her left ankle.

Predominant Features: Geneviève has Esme's striking green eyes, making her stand out.

Jewelry or accessories: She wears Esme's old pearl earrings and has a necklace with a G initial.

Voice: As a child, Geneviève had a southern accent but quickly changed to a New York one throughout the rest of her childhood years.


Father: Alastor Hartfelt
Relationship: Alastor dies when Geneviève is three years old from a hunting accident one evening while discarding a dead body.
Geneviève doesn't remember her father from her childhood, but she was told by Esme's father that he abandoned her with her mother from a very young age. Her grandfather also tells her that Alastor is not a good person, often describing him as swine or "that one." Geneviève knows that this can't be true, having found photos of their family in the library in the New Orleans entertainment record.
Geneviève's grandfather has her last name legally changed to Luciano shortly after gaining custody of her.

Mother: Esme Luciano Hartfelt
Relationship: Esme dies when Geneviève is two years old from an 'accident' involving her father.
Esme is annoyed with Alastor flirting on the air and speaking about women in a provocative manner.
She threatens to take Geneviève with her to New York while Alastor gets his shit together.
Alastor, obviously, doesn't care for this and will eventually get into the phone tug of war with Esme, pushing her back and smacking her head into the wall.
Geneviève asks for her mama several times after Esme's death, which causes Alastor a tremendous amount of dismay.
Doesn't remember her mother.
Is spoken about very highly. Geneviève has several pictures of her mother and only ONE of her father.

Grandfather: Frank Luciano
Relationship: Guardian
Gains custody through the state of Louisiana when Alastor dies due to their being no paternal family.
Moves Geneviève to New York City
Geneviève fears her grandfather, seeing him often hit her grandmother and raise his voice.
He no longer holds power in the mob, but is still protected
Talks poorly about Geneviève from time to time, often making comments about her appearance
Does not like Geneviève's interest in radio and will turn it off when she's listening to music around him.

Grandmother: Gabriella Luciano
Relationship: Guardian
Very sweet with Geneviève. Geneviève is super bonded to her
She teaches her everything there is to know about being a woman
Encourages Geneviève to speak her mind and dream big
Is the only person to tell Geneviève the TRUTH about her father, revealing her true last name to her
Gives her some of her father's belongings (his radio, pictures, and glasses)
This is all under secrecy from Frank

Current Residence: New York City
Birthplace: New Orleans, Louisiana

Likes: Painting, listening to music on the radio, current events, reading, traveling, writing, chocolate martinis, cooking, playing the piano and singing.

Dislikes: Being told to shut up, Having her talents discounted because of her sex, being forced into following rules, mentioning of her skin color, being left out of activities, men.

Personality: Fearless, daring, opinionated, talkative, headstrong, lively, resourceful, possessive, protective, short tempered (anger issues), caring but what's in it for me.

Occupation: Student, social advocate, aspiring painter and writer

Theme Songs:

Almost There: Princess and the Frog
Waving Through A Window: Dear Evan Hansen
Listen: Dreamgirls

Things To Consider: Although New York wasn't considered segregated, most places were separate but equal - meaning Geneviève still would have had to use "colored" restrooms, restaurants, etc due to her dark skin tone. She also would not have been allowed to go to school with white children, and most likely would have caused the Luciano family to fall to social ridicule. Even though Esme's family is white, they would have to use the restrooms with Geneviève due to taking care of her for fear of being "tainted."

* In 1950, NYC developed the Committee on Civil Rights in East Manhattan group, which investigated how this discrimination manifested and occurred.

* Geneviève would 100% be part of this committee (if it included women future research needed)
In 1952, New York passed the anti-bias law where people could report discrimination directly to the State Commission against Discrimination.

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