CH 45: Speakeasy

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The next morning, Alastor awoke to find himself lying on his bed. Strange, he never slept through the night, his usual insomnia keeping him up most days. He sits up and groans, stretching lightly. He looks at his door, fragments of his memory seeping through from last night.

"This song..."

"It's lovely, isn't it? You used to love it, you'd ask every day to dance to it."

Alastor's record skips in disbelief and disappointment. He couldn't have possibly been so weak in front of her, could he? The more he attempted to remember his lapses of time, the more he could feel her small hands on him, guiding him up the stairs.

He groans and leans forward, his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. His ears lay back on his head in shame.

You idiotic jackass...

She always did have a way with him. She was able to seep through the cracks of the barrier he had put up around himself, around his mind and his heart. From the moment he approached her on that bar stool, she captivated his attention in a strange way that he had never felt before. The way her eyes stared into his with such confidence, like no woman had ever looked at him before. She met him just where he was, and challenged him like no one had ever dared before.

He sighs and gets up from the bed, removing his jacket and his harness, and stripping into nothing as he walks to his bathroom. The water soothes him into a memory that he has been pushing away for decades.

The night he met her. The way his heart felt. The way she stole him from himself.

~ Louisiana, 1927; Alastor's POV ~

It was a usual Friday night after work, and I had decided to visit Mimzy at her club for a proper refreshment. Walking to the club, I would feel the many eyes on me. The female gaze had always haunted me when I walked through the streets, but I didn't mind it. It was amusing really, how they easily followed me and mumbled amongst one another when I passed through. I never found myself drawn to a particular dame or anyone for that matter.

I'm a gentleman at heart. I respect women, but I don't need women.

Solitude keeps me at peace.

As I descend the stairs to the speakeasy, my eyes meet Mimzy's and I smile brightly. One of my only 'friends' if I'm being honest. She was useful and entertaining, always providing a witty comeback and a couple of fingers of rye. It was unusual to see her at the bar, usually, she was preparing for her performance. She was quite a talent, her voice having a natural jazzy ring to it.

"My dear, why aren't you freshening up?" I question, looking down at my watch, "It's nearly time for your little show."

She scoffs and rolls her eyes, "Boss' got a new fabulous doll he wants to test out. All the way from New York~" She sings in an annoyed voice.

"The Big Apple, my that's a long trip." I smile charmingly, "But, I doubt she can top you, dear~"

"Uh huh, here ya go..." She says, placing a glass in my hand. She knew that I didn't truly care about the situation. Just provide me with my drink and I'll be on my way.

I sit in the back, minding my own business, until that door opens and she walks out.

You again...

It was the woman I had met earlier that day. Of course it was her, she barely knew her way around the market, so it would make perfect sense that she wasn't from around here.

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