CH 11: That Damn Voice

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~ Alastor's POV ~

"Got room for one more patron, Princess?"

That voice makes my head snap up from the book I'm reading on the couch. There's no way. If I slept, I would think this was a dream...a nightmare more like.

There she is, smiling brightly on the other end of the threshold. She's a vision, but she looks different. I can tell something is off....but what?

Charlie immediately pulls her inside, no questions asked, yapping away about how she's sure Esme will get redeemed in no time.

To be honest, I believe it.

I'm still stealing glimpses of her, keeping my head pointed down to my book. There's a sharp sound that makes me raise an eyebrow and look up.

~ Esme's POV ~

If this one puts her blade to my throat one more time, I'll make her eat it I swear on Satan.

"Now, isn't this a bit repetitive?" I sigh in annoyance.

"What are you doing here? You can't possibly believe in redemption."

I scoff, "Oh, what, like he does?" I point to Alastor who is pretending to not notice me on the couch.

"She does make a fair point..." Charlie pleads.

"I'm here because, as I'm sure you'll be thrilled to hear, I'm no longer connected with The Vees." Their eyes widen and she lowers her spear, "I was hoping to be able to live here and keep an eye on Angel." I turn to Charlie, "I believe the Princess knows my intentions with him to be pure.."

Charlie nods knowingly, "Yes, she isn't going to be a problem. I promise!"

"Charlie....we already have one overlord in this hotel, now you want two?"

Charlie goes to answer, but I interrupt her, "Orrr, you could be smart about this and realize that this means double the protection of your little hotel.....also having the only siren in all of the pentagram~" I smirk manipulatively.

That was my specialty.

"Alright..." She sighs.

"Fabulous!" I exclaim, turning to the Princess, "Now, I believe a proper introduction is in order. Esme, my dear, a pleasure." I shake her hand.

Wow, she is so sweaty.

"Oh!" She begins, "Yes, I'm Charlie and this is my girlfriend Vaggie!" She beams, "We are so very happy to have you with us." She looks around, "Umm Husk and Angel aren't here at the moment, but have you met Nifty?"

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