CH 50: Deal

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The next morning, Esme is walking down the hall when she hears faint crying coming from Charlie and Vaggies's room. Her fins pop out at the sound and she turns her body to face the direction of the noise. She frowns and walks over, pressing her ear against the wood to recognize Charlie's sobs. She pauses before knocking on the door lightly, "Princess? It's me, it's Esme. Can I come in?"

There's no answer. Esme continues to wait for a couple of seconds before her patience runs thin. She knocks again, "Now, missy, I know you heard me."


Ugh, thank God mine never became a teenager.

"Don't make me come in there." Esme says with a stern tone. Charlie swings open the door, her horns protruding and her eyes a flaming red.

"What is it?!" She sneers.

Esme's eyes widen at her obvious display of anger, "Pardon me?"

Charlie gasps and shakes her head, resorting to her normal appearance, "I'm sorry." She cries, "I'm just so overwhelmed." She walks inside, leaving the door ajar and allowing Esme to walk inside. She flops face first onto her bed.

"Darling, is this still about your partner?"

"Who else would it be about!" Charlie shouts, muffled from the bedsheets. She looks up, "How am I supposed to move forward with my plan when all I keep thinking is that she knew it was set to fail?" She crosses her arms and falls back face first into the mattress.

Esme sighs and places a comforting hand on her shoulder, rubbing gently with her thumb, "Sweetheart, I doubt she believes you will fail." She leans over and eventually sits on the bed. "Besides, is this really a big deal?" She asks, throwing her hands up in a shrug.

Charlie snaps up and glares at her, "You try having the love of your life keep the biggest secret from you!"

Esme laughs in amusement, "Been there, done that~" She smiles.

"Well, I guess you're soo much better than me." Charlie huffs and rolls her eyes, turning her back from Esme.

There's a beat.

Esme frowns and hesitates for a second to reach out to the girl. She eventually makes connection with the top of her head, stroking her hair in a motherly way. "You deserve to feel all that emotion right now..." She mumbles, "Have yourself a good cry, but then..." She retracts her hand and stands up, walking over to her and lifting her chin up with her finger, "You must move forward." She smiles, "The show must go on~"

She pulls back her hand and bows her head in respect, "Now then, I'll be downstairs if you need anything. Holler if you desire me!" She turns to the door, looking over her shoulder, "You're going to be just fine, you'll see." She smiles sweetly before exiting.

As she's heading down the stairs, she hears Vaggie getting the third degree by the rest of the group. She looks over the banister to see the scene unfolding.

"Did you ever think she's sensitive about her lack of wings? Just like her lack of tits?"

"Yeah, where are your tits?"

Vaggie sighs and pulls Nifty away, "Any other questions?"

Esme walks over to the group and sits between Angel and Pen, leaning against Angel's chest.

"I got one..." Husk says annoyingly, "How come every time Charlie talks to Heaven we get into deeper and deeper shit."

"It's not her fault." Vaggie says, "Angels are just..."


"Difficult..." Vaggie opens her mouth to continue, but Esme jumps in.

"Charlie is doing her best!" She says, holding a hand proudly to her chest, "I saw her in that courtroom, she was just as lively as a cricket!"

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