CH 56: Extermination

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~ Esme's POV ~

I'm woken up by a series of gentle nudges on my shoulder, causing me to stir under the sheets.

"Amour, it's time, wake up."

My mind is still a little cloudy, but I'd recognize that voice no matter what. I pull my body up to face him, stretching with a groan, "G-Good morning." I mumble in a lower, raspier, tone of voice.

"We don't have that much time, get up." He commands, standing up to gather his clothing which is still scattered across the room.

Ugh, can't the angels come in like the afternoon? Could they make an appointment or something?

I sigh, swing my legs over the bed, and rise to my feet. I walk to the washroom and turn on the tap to clean my face. With some flicks of my wrist, I conjure several serums, balms, and lotions from my suite next door. I take my time washing and prepping my skin for the day.

Alastor walks by to grab his coat, but does a double take, leaning against the doorframe now in his trousers, button-up, and harness.

"You need a full face to fight for your soul?"

"Hey, the seawater dries out your skin." I finish rubbing my final serum into my cheeks, "Going to war doesn't mean I have to look revolting."

He chuckles at this, "As if you could ever." I see him remove his coat from the nearby chair and swoosh it over his shoulders, putting his arms inside.

I prance around the suite calmly as he leans against the front door tapping his heel.

Patience is not one of your strong suits, is it?

I snap my fingers to cover my bare body in a new, rather practical outfit. My dress wasn't going to cut it, too many chances for slip-ups and I was a proper lady after all.

No, instead I opted for a scaled green bodysuit with some fabulous leather leggings that Angel had gifted me a while back. He said they were quite "fetch" on me.

Whatever that means.

I lean over and grab my coat off the floor, dusting it off, before putting my arms through. I slip on my heels and turn to see him staring at me.

"You're captivating~" He grins.

"I know~" I flip my hair over my shoulder and nudge him out of the way with my hip before opening the door.

I walk out to see Angel knocking on my suite door looking worried, "Es, c'mon what the f-" He jumps when he sees me walk out beside him from the next room.

"Ohoho, I get it. One last hurrah, huh?"

I sigh and pull him by the arm, "Let's get ready, Charlie said to meet by the front at 10." I begin to walk away but feel a hand on my wrist, pulling me back with a quick spin.

Alastor towers over me, caressing my hair and pulling my chin up to his face. "Good luck, mon petite chérie."

God, I'm crazy for you.

"We'll be fine..." I whisper, "Don't scare me." I pull him down by his collar, wanting to feel him against me for one last time, kissing him softly. I don't think I'll ever get over the feeling. It's been nearly a hundred years, 876,000 hours, and I'd always crave it.

"I love you." I whisper before pulling back.

"I know~" He says smugly.

"Jackass." I snicker before walking away with Angel, looking over my shoulder and waving before he disappears into thin air.

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