Different Universe Part 1

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Everybody was baffled. Two Ground-Bridge's appeared at the same time. "Two?" Ratchet questioned before shouting to Jack, Miko, and Raf. "You three into our Ground-Bridge! Now!"

"Come on." Jack ordered. He grabbed an angry Miko and ran to their Ground-Bridge. Optimus saw Starscream dive into his as the kids entered theirs.

Then, the portals started eating each other. "Ratchet, what is happening?" Optimus asked. "The dueling Ground-Bridge portals must be feeding back on each other." Ratchet said.

"Miko. We gotta get the kids out of there!" Bulkhead ran to the Ground-Bridge portal, but it rejected him, and both portals blew up. Starscream fell through the other portal and landed inside the Nemesis. "My arm!" He said and noticed a Vehicon staring at him. "Not a word about this! To anyone!" He sneered and limped away. He then pulled out the Dark Energon shard and clenched it in fury.

In an unfamiliar place with a large castle kooming over the kids, Jack, Miko, and Raf slowly woke up. "Are you guys okay?" Jack asked.

"Yeah. I think so." Raf groaned.

"Ugh. What just happened?" Bulkhead asked from behind the trio.

"I can't be certain. But, if two Ground-Bridge's sent to the same coordinates crossed streams, the feedback could have triggered a system overload." Ratchet explained. "'Could'?More like 'Totally did!'" Miko retorted. "The kids made it through, right?" Bulkhead asked.

"What's he talking about?" Jack asked. "Bulkhead, we're right here!" Miko shouted. "Arcee, did the children make it safely back to base?" Optimus said into the comm link. "Negative. You don't see them?" Arcee responded.

"No sign." Ratchet replied. "What? No sign? Okay, seriously, Bulk?" Miko asked. Bulkhead walked at her, and his pede went right through her. Miko screamed in surprise and shock, and Jack grabbed her to keep her from falling over.

"He went right through you. We're not alive!" He gasped. "I don't want to be a ghost!" Raf said. "Wait, how can we still touch each other?" Jack questioned when the moment hit them. "Better yet, where the heck are we? This is NOT Jasper." Miko questioned. The kids finally realized they were in another place.

"Ratchet, could the children have been transported onto Nemesis instead?" Optimus questioned as he and the other Autobots walked forward.

"Not likely. If Starscream didn't arrive at our base, the most likely explanation is a dislocation. The children may simply have been bridged to an unintended destination." Ratchet said.

The children caught up but stopped. "Another place, yet we can still see the Autobots." Raf started. "W-W-What do you mean?" Jack stammered. "We're probably in a different dimension. Some kind of alternate reality. Or maybe even time traveled into the past, because look at this place." Raf explained. "Raf, there are two problems with your theory: 1, we can see the Autobots, and 2, Ratchet said that even with Cybertronian technology, time travel is impossible." Jack remarked.

"Nerd alert!" Miko retorted.

Back in the normal world, the Autobots noticed the grave was devoid of Skyquake's corpse. "Look, Skyquake's tomb is empty." Optimus said. The kids only saw the Autobots standing in front of a large statue of what they didn't know was King Agnarr and Queen Iduna of Arendelle.

"How did we miss Skyquake rising and shining?" Bulkhead asked. "It would seem Starscream got what he came for." Ratchet said. "Another matter for another time. Right now, our priority is locating Jack, Miko, and Rafael. Arcee, bridge us back to base." Optimus said.

The kids heard metal creaking, and from the side of the strange castle, a giant grey Dark Energon revived Skyquake slowly walked for the Autobots as a Ground-Bridge portal appeared.

"Zombie!" Miko shrieked.

"Guys, look out!"


"It's right behind you!"

They shouted but forgot the Autobots couldn't hear or see them. As soon as he was close enough, Skyquake swiped at Bulkhead only for his arm to phase through the Wrecker.

"Awesome! It can't touch them either!" Miko said happily. Skyquake heard her. The Terrorcon turned around and started limping towards the trio. "If that thing can't touch the Bots." Jack started. "Just like we can't." Miko continued. "Then we're trapped in an alternate universe with a Decepticon zombie." Raf finished.

"If we aren't ghosts now, we will be soon!" Miko said in fear. Skyquake roared into the air, and the kids took off running as the Terrorcon chased them throughout the kingdom of Arendelle as night falls.

To be continued...

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