Tunnel Vision

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"If we are to have any hope of recovering the Iacon Relics before the Decepticons do, we must divide our resources." Optimus said. "But, Optimus, when it comes to numbers, we are already at a grave disadvantage." Ratchet said. "Under the circumstances, swiftness of action is paramount. This is one race that absolutely cannot afford to lose." Optimus said.

The Nemesis was getting closer to Manhattan. "Dispatching multiple squadrons will enable us to pursue all 4 coordinates simultaneously." Megatron said, then Knockout came in. "Lord Megatron, I have assembled the mining detail you requested for the first set of coordinates. Breakdown and I enjoyed previous success retrieving Iacon Relics. In memory of my fallen comrade, I intend to do the same again." Knockout said.

"This is a mission, not one of your racing excursions. Stop your preening! Move quickly and operate with a surgeon's skill! Do you understand me, Knockout?!" Megatron yelled.

"Explicitly, Lord Megatron." Knockout said with a hint of fear. "Now, since the unfortunate loss of Breakdown has left you rather vulnerable, you will require appropriate support." Megatron said. An Insecticon approached Knockout from behind. He turned around, and the creature growled. "How very repellant." Knockout said.

"Here's a twist. It would appear that the Decepticons have retreated from Manhattan." Ratchet said as he monitored the Nemesis' position. "They just up and left?" Arcee asked. "It is more likely that Megatron has already set course for the second coordinates, having dispatched a unit to this relic's underground location." Optimus said.

"Without busting up a city block to get to it?" Chromia asked. "They used subway tunnels. New York has a whole network of them running beneath the city." Jack said. "Jackie, what the heck is a subway?" Elsa asked. "They're a bunch of tunnels that are underneath massive cities, and people use them for transport." Jack explained.

"Since the human population no longer seems to be directly threatened, maintaining pur disguise will be necessary. Arcee, Bumblebee, you are the best choice to navigate through such a densely populated area." Optimus said. "Optimus, New York has more than 8 million people. The odds of being spotted by at least one of them are pretty high, even if they are headed underground." Jack said.

"Where are you going with this?" Arcee asked. "You're gonna need a face-man. Someone who can speak on their behalf, a human who can run interference if their cover gets blown." Jack said. "Well, I've actually been in subway stations. I grew up in a major metropolis. Unlike Mr. "I've never been outside Jasper Nevada." Miko said.

"Me and Elsa went to Cybertron." Jack said. "Cybertron doesn't have subways. Does it?" Miko asked. "If there are too many Decepticons, I could help them." Elsa said. "Agent Fowler's field experience makes him our best candidate." Optimus said and turned to face Agent Fowler, who was resting on a gourney, still recovering from when they infiltrated the Nemesis. "BANANA FISH!" He yelled and passed out.

"Agent Fowler's field experience makes him our best banana fish!" Elsa joked. "If he weren't still recovering from his encounter with the Decepticon warship." Ratchet said to Optimus. "Which we survived without incident." Miko said. "Very well. Jack, Elsa, and Miko will accompany Arcee and Bumblebee." Optimus said. "Yes!" Miko said happily. "Wait, I can't come with?" Anna asked. "Sorry, Anna. But this is a big kid mission. Tell you what, I'll bring you back a treat." Jack said. "Thank you, Jackie." Anna hugged Jack.

"Initiate transport, and triangulate coordinates of the other 3 relics." Optimus said.

Deep within an alleyway in New York City, a Ground-Bridge opened, and Jack and Elsa emerged while riding Arcee, with Elsa on the back. Bumblebee came out in the back with Miko in the driver seat. The oldest kid and former princess got a good look at the massive glass towers that seemed to reach the sky itself. "This is amazing." Elsa said in awe. "Of course, it's no Cybertron." Miko said. It was evident that she was still jealous that they went to Cybertron, and she didn't.

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