Flying Mind

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At the crash site, alarms blared everywhere. "Dreadwing, damage report." Megatron said. "We have suffered critical damage to all major systems, Lord Megatron. It will be some time before we can get the ship airborne." Dreadwing reported.

"Soundwave." Megatron said. Soundwave's visor displayed the camera footage of the power core and showed a green object smash into it. He zoomed in and advanced, revealing it to be Bulkhead. "So, it was an Autobot who crippled my vessel. They will move quickly to exploit any perceived weakness." Megatron said.

"Surely, they're not foolish enough to launch a direct assault, my liege." Knockout said. "Optimus has grown decidedly more ruthless since our last encounter." Megatron said.

He, Dreadwing, Soundwave, and Knockout entered the power core chamber. "Lord Megatron, as your physician, I strongly vise against this. Dark Energon's regenerative properties are impressive, but the side effects, there's no telling how it might impact the ship." Knockout said.

"Dark Energon courses through my veins. Infusing the warship will enable me to manipulate the craft as if we are one. And together, we shalk crush Optimus Prime!" Megatron said as his optics turned purple.

"But when the Insecticons suddenly backed off, I got inspired by my proximity to the power core and did what I do best." Bulkhead said. "You trashed Megatron's ride like a rock star in a hotel room." Miko said.

"We should hit the 'Cons' right now while they're vulnerable." Arcee said. "Megatron's warship may be grounded, but let's not forget that we remain vastly outnumbered, especially since he has added the Insecticon Hive to his ranks." Ratchet reminded. "Then maybe it's time for me to call in an airstrike." Agent Fowler said.

"Or for us to consider more extreme measure, Agent Fowler." Optimus said. A nearby garage opened. "The Spark Extractor? Optimus, are you certain you want to travel down this path?" Ratchet asked. "While I am deeply reluctant to deploy a weapon of this caliber, especially one forged by Decepticon hands, this may be our only chance to end the war once and for all." Optimus said.

A claw extended from the ceiling, grabbed a Dark Energon container, and placed it on the power core. Megatron pushed a lever upwards, and the power core inserted the vile Blood of Unicron. The blue in the pipes turned purple, and the lights turned purple as the walls became darker. In the bridge, the terminals changed from blue to blood red, leaving the Vehicons confused. Soon, all terminals were red. "Yes! I can feel it!" Megatron said.

The Dark Energon that flowed through Elsa started telling her something, making her eyes purple again. "Optimus, I think Megatron's using Dark Energon." She said. "She's right. I'm detecting a massive energy spike at the Decepticon crash site. It appears to be Dark Energon." Ratchet said. He lowered the lever, activating the Ground-Bridge.

"Autobots, transform and roll out." Optimus ordered. The Autobots transformed into their ground and air vehicles and entered the portal. Optimus was about to go in until Agent Fowler stopped him. "Hold on, Prime. If you are going to deploy some kind of super weapon in a final showdown with the 'Cons,' it's my job as a representative of planet Earth to bear witness."

Optimus and Ratchet shared a look, but the Prime went through the portal with Fowlee, and the Autobots transformed. "Sweet Lady Liberty!" Agent Fowler said as they watched the Nemesis rise from the cliffside.

Soundwave showed the Autobots. "Optimus. You never disappoint." Megatron said. Multiple gun turrets activated.

"Bumblebee, now!" Optimus said. Bee drove out from behind a rock as the Nemesis began firing. "Chromia, Arcee, Bulkhead, Cyclonus, Jetfire, draw their fire!" Optimus ordered. Agent Fowler onserved behind a rock as the Autobots set to work. "Once you launch the Spark Extractor, be sure to clear its radius before it can activate." Optimus told Bee.

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