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"Few things of value come without a price. So tell me, Starscream, what is it that you wish in return?" Megatron asked. "Only to be a Decepticon once again." Starscream said and kneeled. "Dreadwing is my first lieutenant now." Megatron said.

"And I accept that much has changed during my absence, I only wish to serve you, my one, true master. In any way that you deem fit." Starscream said. "I am deeply impressed by your accomplishment, Starscream. And know that I will put your offerings to good use, whatever the outcome." Megatron said.

"Uh, outcome of what?" Starscream asked. "See to it that Knockout is extracted from the wall." Megatron ordered Dreadwing.

"It's good to be back." Knockout said as he stretched his parts. "Now what will we be fishing for today, my liege?" He asked as he attached a cord to Megatron. "Starscream's true motives." Megatron said. Starscream realized that they were going to perform a Cortical Psychic Patch.

Knockout attached the cord to his back. Memories of the original Space-Bridge exploding in front of Megatron were seen. "Decepticons, it is with deep sorrow that I note for the log. Megatron's Spark has been extinguished. All hail Starscream!" A memory of Starscream said.

"All hail Starscream!" The Vehicons chanted. "Well, well. You certainly didn't waste any time." Megatron said as he appeared in front of Starscream. "What?! I just watched you perish!" Starscream said. "I did not perish then, and I'm very much with you now. The present you, as well as the past." Megatron said.

"All hail Starscream!" The Vehicons chanted. Past Starscream said, "I can't hear you!"

"All hail Starscream!" The Vehicons chanted. "One more time!" Past Starscream said. "All hail Starscream! All hail Starscream!" The Vehicons chanted as Knockout observed everything from the monitor. "This is going to be JUICY." Knockout said to the reader.

"All hail Starscream!" The Vehicons chanted as past Starscream did an awkward dance. The real Starscream turned around and gasped. "You're inside my head, aren't you?" He asked. "The Cortical Psychic Patch. You see, there are no secrets in here. Only your memories. You cannot manipulate their content or modify their outcome. What we see is how it happened." Megatron said as the memory around them faded.

"If you want to be a true leader, Starscream, then stray from Megatron's path and lead the Decepticons toward peace." A memory of Optimus said. "I would be willing to consider a truce if you would be willing to bow before me, Optimus Prime." A memory of Starscream said.

"You have defied my orders yet again!" Past Starscream yelled at past Knockout. "My mistake, Commander Starscream." Past Knockout said. "It is Lord!" Past Starscream bellowed at Knockout. "Haven't you heard? I lead the Decepticons now." Past Starscream said to Wheeljack.

"Where did we leave off? Oh, yes. 'All hail Starscream'? A rather obvious motif, Starscream. You deem yourself more able to lead the Decepticons than myself?" Megatron asked. "No, not anymore. I have learned from my many failures, Master." Starscream said.

"Esteemed members of my armada, you now stand upon the very precipice of glory to meet the destiny which I have so tenaciously worked toward. Dynamic -" Past Starscream started. "Leadership of the Decepticons!" One of the past clones said.

"That clone said it, not me!" Present Starscream said. "It seems you would stop at nothing to disrupt rule, including assassination." Megatron said. "It was their idea, not mine!" Present Starscream said.

"With this creature under your control and at our disposal, we might employ it to terminate Megatron. Allowing us to rule the Decepticons." Past Starscream said to Airachnid.

"I see no clones here. Was this their idea, too?" Megatron asked. "I don't remember any of this. I must have been half crazed at the time. A victim of Energon deficiency." Present Starscream lied. "Tell me why I should welcome back someone whose every waking impulse has been to thwart me, undercut me, overthrow me?!" Megatron yelled at Starscream.

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