Operation Bumblebee Part 2

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"Of all the scrap brained ideas, taking Bumblebee into a potential chase scenario when he no longer has the ability to access his wheels!" Ratchet seethed. "He improvised." Bulkhead said. "Hey, Bee's waking up." Raf said.

Bee groaned and held his helm. "You've already lost your voice, and your T-Cog. Were you really trying to add your Spark to the list?" Ratchet asked. Bee buzzed. "Don't say that, Bumblebee! You're not useless." Raf said. "Look, I hate to break up the pity party, but the 'Cons just added unknown Iacon payday number 2 to their armory." Arcee said.

"Neither blame nor praise will modify past events. But we can not afford to take further unnecessary risks. Bumblebee, you are not to leave our base. Not until we can retrieve your missing biomechanism." Optimus said from behind. Ratchet joined him. "Bumblebee is right to be less than hopeful. But you and I both know there exists a way to make him whole again." The medic said.

"A transplant. But they would require a donor." Optimus said. "You need to look no further than the Autobot standing before you." Ratchet said, and Optimus looked at him in shock.

"A generous offer, old friend. But your solution would merely trade one Autobot's handicap fkr another's." Optimus said. "I don't rely upon my T-Cog. Not like Bumblebee does, the abilities to transform is virtually wasted on me. This is where I spend my days, where my thoughts and hands are of value. Not my weapons or wheels. Our team can't afford to be shy even one warrior in the field." Ratchet said.

"You make a compelling case, but know that we will find Bumblebee's T-Cog." Optimus said. "Optimus, M.E.C.H. are savages, who knows what damage they may have already inflicted upon it, or, or if I will be able to repair it." Ratchet said.

"Ratchet, you did everything in your power." Optimus said. "Please! Do you really think this is simply about my inability to restore Bumblebee's voice-box? I-I just want to do what's right for our scout, for the team." Ratchet said.

Aboard the Nemesis, Knockout presented the new Iacon Relic to Megatron. "Ah, excellent work, Knockout." The warlord praised. "I live to serve, Lord Megatron. But what exactly is it?" Knockout asked. Megatron raised a servo, and a blast of magic came out. Knockout yelped and blocked himself with the relic, which created a shield and deflected the blast.

"Now you know." Megatron said. "I think I leaked a little transmission fluid." Knockout admitted.

M.E.C.H. soldiers scanned the area for the Energon deposit, and then a tracker located it. "Source located." The soldier said. "Yes, gratifying. Isn't it, Silas? I often advised Megatron to seek out human allies. After all, it seems to provide the Autobots with an occasional edge, but despite his reputation as a brilliant strategist, Megatron is woefully small-minded when it comes to worming with minds smaller than our own." Starscream said while keeping the fact that he saw Elsa use her ice magic a secret, and Silas glared at him.

"Ah, he was simply referring to head size." Starscream said. "Do you ever not speak?" Silas asked and walked away. "Did I mention that I have personally extinguished an Autobot?" Starscream asked a M.E.C.H. soldier, who then ran away.

Silas looked around at the crystals of solidified Energon. "Energon in its purest state." Starscream said. "Ready to be mined." Silas said. "And processed, my flesh-covered compatriot, to give us the advantage." Starscream said.

"Obviously, since I am the other patient involved, I will be unable to perform the surgery. Therefore, one of you must serve as my proxy." Ratchet said as he addressed the Autobots like military troops. "Um. Better at breaking things." Ratchet said to Bulkhead, who sighed happily. "You three have large hands." He said to Chromia, Jetfire, and Cyclonus.

"Arcee." Ratchet said. "Optimus has steadier hands." Arcee said. "Steady and much too large to be rooting around beneath my hood." Ratchet said. Arcee sputtered and walked away. "Arcee, you can do this. You're as steely as they come." Jack said. "On a battlefield. Not in an operating theater." Arcee said.

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